Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 30

Also known as "5 Reasons that I am a moron"
5. I forget things that are important
4. I can't take a hint
3. I think I can make things work, when I can't
2. I can't let things or people go
1. I emailed my ex, even though I'm pretty sure he forgot about me by now.

So, in March Connor and I broke up. It was a very tearful day for both of us, but he had to move, and nothing was going to change it. He made the decision and I let him. I didn't want our last day together be a fight. Since then, there have been a handful of emails between us. They are very far and few between. Only one or two have been initiated by him. The others were when I emailed him. I have thought about him almost incessantly since then. I want him in my life- even if it is not as a boyfriend. The boyfriend ship has sailed, but why must we be strangers? It isn't like we wanted to break up! If that was the case (like with Sevan) then I could understand that. Also, I still talk to Sevan and Frank. Both of them are on my FB page, and when I broke up with Frank, it was most definitely pretty. We talked after, but the initial break up consisted of me telling him to take a hike. We still talk. Maybe it is because Connor broke up with me, and not the other way around? IDK. I am pathetic. Any ways, I emailed Connor this morning, telling him how I feel. I knew that I would feel awful once I sent it, but that didn't stop me. I still did it. Now, I anxiously await his response. It could take anywhere from a few more hours, to weeks or even months before he replies; I am in knots about this. I don't know what to do.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 29

Today is Walter's birthday! Haha, I am planning on making old man jokes all day :P. Also, the government is shut down, because congress is having a temper tantrum, and no one knows how to act like adults and play nice there. It doesn't effect me at all yet, but I hope that it won't effect getting financial aid from the online school I plan to go to. I have decided to give up on CSUN for good. I am planning on going to WGU. It is an online school based in Utah. This means that when I get my teacher's licence, it will be for Utah. I will then have to go through California laws to get a licence to teach there. I like the way the school is set up. When you enroll in classes, you take one class at a time, and finish it at your leisure. Of course, for people like me, that want to be done as soon as possible, I can take the assessments for each class, and move on that much quicker. There are a few things that I have to take at the right pace (like classroom observation-100 hours, and student teaching- 12 to 18 weeks) for a total of about five months-ish. Aside from that, it is mostly up to me how many classes I take per term, and how fast I finish. I am going to start applying and whatnot today, so that I can enroll for the December term.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 27/28

I skipped yesterday because I wasn't feeling very well. I am getting better, so I thought that I ought to catch up. I have been missing company lately. Going to the tea house on Saturday nights does help, as does the Farmer's Market. However, the farmer's market is nearing it's end, and I really need people that I can hang out with spontaneously. I have been day dreaming incessantly about every boy/man I have ever liked and/or dated. Every kiss, every hug, every cutesy conversations or romantic gesture. Honestly, I feel pathetic doing it, but as horrible as it makes me feel, it is better than the lonely feeling I get when I acknowledge  that I will most likely never marry and have a family like most of my friends. As I age, I have relationships that get progressively deeper and more intense.

Unfortunately, the more I get into relationships, the less comfortable I feel being someone's girlfriend. I feel bad for them having to deal with all of my issues. Even the normal issues (like being grumpy for a few days at the end of each month, and getting mood swings). The best advice I ever got about relationships was to be yourself, and be happy with yourself as an individual first. That worked horribly in every relationship I have ever been in. I have never been happy as an individual, and when I act like myself, I scare people away or offend them. Maybe I am not meant to be in a relationship. I have always felt this way; ever since my friends started to go on dates in grade school. I knew that being in any relationship- let alone a healthy one- would be difficult or impossible for me. This fact makes me intensely depressed. It is the same way with friendships or any type of relationship. I love people, and -assuming that I didn't scare them off- they love my quirky independent personality. After awhile though, I begin to feel guilty about everything I do. I become weird and crazy (in a bad way). Then when the going gets tough, most people get going.

The brave few that stick around are rewarded with my bitching and worrying. They are rewarded with my insecurity, and with my dependency and break downs. They get the honor of seeing me panic over insignificant details and they are the ones that have to hold my hands as I fight for each breath in my quest to calm down and handle normal life. Any boyfriend I have gets the added bonus of my lack of sexual instinct and my phallophobia mixed in with the bunch.

It is a truly vicious cycle. I have social issues that make me insecure. My insecurity drives people away. When people no longer want to socialize with me, I get insecure. See how that works?

I am on a good path right now. I still have a few job options, and I am gathering some school options. If all else fails, I will rent a cheap ass room in SD and work in the school district. I will only do that if things get desperate here. If I get my way, I will get a part time seasonal job here until January, then go back to CSUN, and complete my BA.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day 26

Sometimes people can be really awful. I know that I have been awful to people before. On the other hand, sometimes people will surprise you. Today, my mom took me cloths shopping. She was very patient with me, and for that I am impressed. It is so not easy to cloths shop with me. I know this. I almost always HATE shopping for cloths. I am very picky. It has to be exactly what I imagined in my head, match to at least two things in my closet, look good on me, be able to dress up or down, fit, feel right, and be cheap. Needless to say, I don't have very many cloths in my closet. I also buy cloths that I don't like when I really need cloths.

I cheated today on the diet. It's OK, because technically I am still on track with my plan. My breakfasts are still all eggs, with occasional fruit. Therefore, my breakfasts are still 100% paleo. On Tuesday, I will have to figure out what I am going to do for lunches, as they will need to be paleo, starting October first. O.O It's not that I have a problem with the idea; I just don't know what we have that is easy to make. I guess I will find out.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Day 25

I am getting very close to the 30 day mark. Only five more days. I will get there on Wednesday, October 2nd. Of course, after that will be my appointment with the new psychologist. I really don't like sitting in a room, talking to some professional. I don't. Last time I did that, I got worse.

Today was a very tiring day. I am starting to feel guilty about the job search thing, so I will continue on Monday again.... I have no problems with working hard. I do have a problem with working hard on something with no guarantee of a profitable outcome. That is how I feel about job hunting. I go out for hours a day, or spend hours on a computer, filling out app after app, and following up with the companies, only to be turned down again and again. If I knew that I would definitely get a job within, say... fifty applications, I would have a job already. I would work tirelessly to fill out those applications.

 I feel the same way with people. If I could say that I would find the man of my dreams within X amount of relationships, I would be married already. Also, people don't have formulas. Sometimes people act happy to see you, even if they hate you. You tell a joke, and they laugh, but if you tell the joke again, it's not funny. I just wish that there were formulas for everything. I wish that if you figured out the formula for something, you could be successful.

I don't even have a formula for myself. I don't even understand myself. How can I be expected to understand how to deal with other people???? AND on top of all of that, every person is different. So, if X works with this person in this situation, it might not work with another person in a similar situation. It might not even work on the same person in a seemingly identical situation later on down the road. GAH!

Animals are easier. Even though they all are unique, they are easier to understand than people, and quicker to learn as well. Certain breeds act this way, and certain actions bring about this response. I would say that if I were to describe animals and people in math terms, people are like theoretical physics, and animals are like algebra. Even though there are general laws in physics, people still can only guess at half of the stuff, and still end up arguing about whether or not it is right. However in algebra, the methods are different for solving a problem, but the answer is still the same.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 24

So, today I woke up feeling really sick. I don't want to gross you out with the details, but suffice to say, it wasn't pretty. The symptoms are off and on, and I am hoping to finish typing this before I feel badly again. Yesterday, I went to the farmer's market early to watch everyone set up. There are only two more weeks left, and that makes me a little bit sad. I mean, what am I going to do on Wednesdays now? I know that it is reasonable to realize that farmer's markets are not year round, because their product is not year round. The thing to do is get information from the ones that are year round, and buy from them if possible after the market is over. That will be very difficult, but I will try it. Of course, that is dependent on my being able to find a job, and make money. Oh, well.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I Skipped A Day, So Sue Me/ Day 23

Yesterday was a weird day for me. I spent the morning looking for a psychologist, and the rest of the day waiting for my mom to get home and work with me. I watched too much TV, but what else is there to do? My dad said to not worry about the job hunt or anything else for now, because we need to find a psychologist first.

This morning, my mom went into surgery. Don't worry, it was a minor one. They put a scope down her throat. She went under, so now she is going to sleep the rest of the day. I am looking forward to Farmer's Market again today. I am a bit nervous, because I want to help Pat again, but I don't know if I did a good enough job last time for him to ask again. Even if he doesn't, I finally have the money to buy some elk meat. :D I am also going to buy some mozzarella. I can't wait. I am going to be hungry all day.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 21

I was so close to saying, "whatever" about blogging today. I spent the whole day, looking for a job, came home exhausted, and then had this huge discussion with my parents about my future. Tomorrow, my mom and I are going to try and find someone to diagnose me. -_-   i...cant...wait..... <----- yes, sarcasm. On the plus side, I held baby ferrets, and a bunny. I also bought two coconuts. Yayz.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Day 20

Board Game Night was very fun, as usual. There were only four other people. I originally thought that less people meant less fun, but I was wrong. I was more fun, because we got to know each other better that way. 
Today was a lazy day. I took the dog to the playground. Good news: even though the playground does not have a pull up bar, it does have a bar that I can use for assisted pull-ups. Better than I thought, right?

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day 19

I figured out why everyone insists that you stretch before doing handstands. I am so sore today. My shoulders, legs, and back are sore. I also found a couple new bruises. Lesson learned stretch everyday. Get limber and strong. The good news is that I am getting closer to being able to balance on my hands, and kicking my feet high enough to become inverted. Once I am strong enough to hold my body-weight, I will be able to stay upside down longer. I am taking a break from handstands today (maybe) because of my soreness. I don't want to push my self too far, and get injured.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 18

I am so exhausted! I just took the dog on a really long walk. She seemed to be done, so I brought her back.  As we are nearing our house, all of her energy returns. How does she do that?! I am flabbergasted.

I have a few small leads on jobs, but I am still secretly hoping to get the job at Subway, where I worked before. I know it is not ideal, but it is comfortable, and I really don't care about the money or the hours. At this point, all I care about is that I earn enough money to pay my bill, and get my parents off of my back. If I get a few extra bucks for bison, well, that would be even better. I don't care about the money, because I know that financial aid is supposed to pay for this next semester, and the rest of my schooling. It may not pay for my second degree in teaching, but it should carry me through my first BA.

1. eggs, various veggies....
2. I did NOT get bitten by a snake today
3. I took the dog on a long walk
4. I lifted a rock, and threw it around the yard
5. Not today
6. I slept well
7. Handstands
8. Yes
9. Well, I don't know if trying and failing to do handstands, and somersaults count as stupid. It did hurt though
10. Yes I did.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day 17

Getting a bit repetitive with the posts. Who cares? I had a great day yesterday. It was threatened by the fact that my check has not arrived yet. I really wanted to buy elk. Oh well. Because of that, I was tempted to not go to the farmer's market, and just stay home and pout all day. At the last minute I figured that I could either be miserable at home, or go outside and be miserable. I decided on the latter. I biked up to downtown, feeling very sorry for myself.

The first bit of good news was that "Worthy Wednesdays" was back, so I got my weekly two bags of popcorn. After that, I wandered through the farmer's market, grabbing samples along the way. Nothing like fresh fruit to cheer you up. I was still feeling melancholy when I arrived at my favorite stall. Cada Dia Cheese, is fast becoming a real interest of mine. While the farmer's market only lasts a few more weeks, the production of milk lasts until November, and Pat makes cheese all year round. It is really too bad that his farm is all the way in Prineville, or I would go there and help out with the cows!

As I always do, I stayed to the side so as to not interfere with his business, and talked to him when he had time. He genuinely seems to like having me around, and he has a great personality. After a few minutes of me standing there and occasionally advertising some of the cheese for him, he asked if I wanted to go behind the counter and help him sell. hmmm....DUH! So, I washed my hands and got to work. It was difficult because it was so busy, and people expect me to know things that I am just learning myself. I had to think on my feet and learn on the job about the cheese and the customers.

I think I did relatively well, and I hope that I get offered to help again. Pat did criticize my work a bit after the farmer's market, but I had to remind him that I had never done it before, and everything was new to me.

I learned a lot about farmer's markets from working yesterday. I learned that venders often trade product with each other. They seem to have a good relationship with other venders. Without even meeting anyone else, I was accepted and teased just because I worked there. It was incredible. I would venture to guess that, with time, I would be really good at selling  cheese.

I also got offered an interpreting job, but I had to turn it down due to transportation. If I see that couple again, I will ask if they would be willing to drive me. That way, I could accept the job. I wouldn't ask for any money, just the opportunity to go to the farm with them.

I really love living here. If I didn't have my parents to worry about, I would think about moving here for good. I would have to get used to real seasons, and things closing early, etc., but I think it would be really healthy to live in a place like this.

1. Eggs and apple. Plus various foods through out the day
2. If we are talking about "bad" food, then yes, because I am fazing out the food in the cupboard. Otherwise, no poison.
3. I walked the dog. Not far, but we did go out.
4. I lifted myself. I am learning to do a handstand. I am so weak. OMG
5. With the dog....always :P
6. I slept very well
7. With the dog.
8. When I walked the dog
9. no trauma today :)
10. Sudoku

I have noticed that at least three or four things everyday involve the dog. I love that dog. :)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 16

So far my mood is good. I have the farmer's market today, and my mom has yet to criticize me or put me down. I am going to go on a walk, and I got to sleep with my wool blanket because of the cold last night. :) I am finding that two eggs in the morning with a banana is not enough fuel. Perhaps I should buy some sausage and put that in there?

I have decided that as part of my Paleo-transformation, and to keep me inspired to post here, I will write how I fulfilled all ten laws everyday... or how I plan to.

1. eggs (animal) and banana (plants)
2. no more ramen to eat, and I am trying to avoid poisonous feelings too.
3. Walking to the farmer's market today (45 mins. each way)
4. Push ups. Once I have the extra money, I will buy a pull up bar.
5. I will probably do that when I walk the dog.
6. I slept from 2100 last night, until 0700 today
7. With the dog? OK. On the playground? Sure
8. I will be getting sunlight on my way to the farmer's market
9.  Avoiding anything is hard to do, but for now, money. I will not spend all of my money today.
10. Sudoku here I come.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day 15

Aaaaannnndd.....mood crash. This has gotten really old. I was doing fine until my mom decided to yell at me and tell me that I am not trying hard enough to find a job. I actually applied at three places today. I also followed up with Subway. Still waiting on that one. Grrr. At this point, I don't even care if they hire me. I just want her to give me an answer. Anyway, I thought that my parents had agreed not to pressure me anymore, because of my stress levels, but I guess only my Dad agreed to that. My mom said that he was fed up too, but I don't believe it. :/ I hope not. I thought he was on my side. Anywho, the good news is that my mom is starting the Paleo diet as well, so our eating choices should start to align soon. She bought a bunch of non paleo food a couple of days ago, because she thought I would want it. Ooops. Now that we are on the same page, hopefully that won't happen anymore. Also, I finally got the check from Walter, so that won't be keeping me up at night. I haven't gotten it out of the mail yet (been lazy, I guess). I'm afraid to. It might have less than I expect. Oh, well. I hope that tomorrow is better. I get to cash my check, and go to the farmer's market. Plus I am going to wash my linens, so fresh sheets!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 14

Still going strong.

I have noticed that I feel better lately. I am not sure if it is just my emotional cycle starting again (we'll see in two to three weeks) or if it is because I am striving to become the person that I want to be, instead of making excuses.

I am slowly changing the way I live, and I like it.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Day 13

           Woot Woot! I did it again. I remembered. Now that I have a  planner with dates in it, instead of just my notebook, it is much easier to remember what I need to do, and do them. (I was going to finish that sentence differently, but my mind blanked. I hate it when that happens.)
            Yesterday was such a busy day. After I wrote in my blog, and did a few other things, my mom and I went on a hike to some waterfalls about an hour away. We didn't get back until five or so, and then I went to a meetup group to play some board games. I really love that group. I have so much fun with them. Even though they are all a bit older than me, it doesn't feel like I am only hanging around senior citizens. The people there are probably in their thirties and forties. (Better than sixties and eighties, which I normally hang out with)
           I am also a part of an art group. All of them are much older than me, but I don't mind because they help me feel confident in my art. None of us are 'professional' grade artists. We have a knack for sketching (and other mediums, as I found out).
          I am proud of myself on another note as well. I downloaded a couple different Bible apps on my tablet, and now I am doing two bible plans. One is called 'chronological' I think it is meant to be the books of the bible in the order they were written, though I am not sure. I have been mostly reading Proverbs and some in Corinthians with that. The other plan is one I made up. It is to read the New Testament in a year. There are 260 Chapters in the New Testament, so even if I skip an atrocious amount of days, it is still very possible to attain my goal. After I am done with the New Testament, I will most likely be ready to move onto the Old Testament.
         I have decided that I complain about my life way too much. I am starting another blog page today entitled "My unique journey". Every time I do something that I could look at and say, "That is interesting or unique or fun etc." I will write it down. On days that I don't do anything, I will write something from my past that makes my life interesting." This will be super easy at first, because I have done a number of fabulous things in my past. Hopefully, it will help me to look at my life in a new light, and encourage me to go out and do more things with my life that I will be proud to share.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Day 12

BAM!!! Take that pattern! I remembered two days in a row. What now?!

        On another note, I think that I have been telling my animals that they are the alphas, all my life. I have been scratching under their chins. In the wild, that means the I am beneath them. On the other hand, when I pet their heads, they act more submissive, because I have told them that they are beneath ME, and that I am the alpha. People assume that domestic animals have no traces of wild instincts left if they were born in a domestic environment, but that simply is not true. Take cats: They often bring in dead mice and lizards that they hunt and kill. They cover up their waste. They claw you when you touch their exposed bellies. These are all wild behaviors. Dogs roll on their backs to show submission. They bark at any perceived danger. They often "wolf" down their food. They play tug-a-war, and pounce on toys. These are also images of their wild selves.
      In my humble opinion, animals should be raised as animals, and not as babies. They should be treated and cared for the natural way. That is all. You may now return to your regularly scheduled programs.

Hasta la vista!


Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 11

Oh no! It's Friday the 13th! Something bad is going to happen....No. No, it isn't. So far, I am in a wonderful mood, I made a yummy egg breakfast, walked the dog, and improved my score on Sudoku. Not to mention that I remembered to post on my blog. :) I have Top Ramen in my closet, and money in the bank, and Walter is sending me the money left over from moving. On Monday, I will call Subway, and if I don't have a response from them, I will go back to filling out apps and calling in for day labor places. Either way, I am going back to CSUN in the Spring, and I am happy today. Friday the 13th has nothing on me. BooYahhhhhhh.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 9/10

Or should I say 9/11? Yesterday was the twelfth anniversary of the falling of the twin towers. That, however was not the reason that I did not post. I did not post because I was a zombie yesterday. I did get out of the house, which is good, but I wasn't feeling good. Hell, I'm feeling sick right now, but at least my emotional state is better.

I have some good news, though. I called the school, and they said that I if I submit a form that tells them when I am graduating, I can still be awarded money for spring semester, and still show up. In fact, they said, I can still show up for Fall semester. :O I don't think that would work out though. I am going to talk to my parents about it, and see what we can do. Obviously, I would love to go back to college for the Fall, but I would have to do everything today and tomorrow...that would probably not work out. So, Spring semester it is! If I submit the form today, I won't hear from financial aid until November, but at least I have time to work out the details.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 8

Wow, I am trying so hard to keep/ start a routine, but I can never seem to do everything on my list. It's not a long list. It's not a difficult list. None of the things on the list are things that I am trying to avoid. (Normally). So, why is it so difficult to do? Am I really going to have to revert to the old way of doing things? Again? Grrrr. I think I might do it opposite this time. That is at least a bit less frustrating. Instead of starting with only one thing on the list, I will start with ten, since that is usually the number of things on my list now. Every day that I don't complete the full list, I take one item away until there is a day that I do the full list. Once that happens, I go in the other direction. Every day that I can complete the full list, I am allowed to add to the list, until it has ten items again. If I am consistently successful with ten items, then I can start taking off small items, and replacing them with bigger items. This is especially helpful because most of the things on my list now, are things that I try to do every day- i.e. walk the dog, write in my blog, do a typing test...etc. Eventually, the goal is to do these things everyday without thinking. They should become a habit.

On another note, I have been self-diagnosed with BPD. AKA Borderline Personality Disorder. I looked up several disorders and phobias, but that one seemed to fit me pretty well. The only thing is that I don't have anger problems. Other than that, I fill the bill. I have to wait to see a real psychiatrist though.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 6/7

      Yesterday was Sunday. It was horrible. I woke up tired from the night before, and I was short of breath. I was also feeling queasy. I told my parents this, but insisted that I wanted to go to church with them. As we got closer to church, I felt worse and worse. By the time we made it to church, I knew that I would either vomit or have a panic attack in church. For this reason, I told my parents that I wanted to sit in the back, so as to not attract attention due to a hasty exit.
        Good thing I did. I didn't make it through worship before my hands and legs got numb and tingly. My breath shortened even more, and my heart rate spiked. I tried to fight it. I distracted myself, I focused on breathing right. I did everything I could, but before I knew it, my hands were clenched in an unrelaxable fist. My head was between my knees, and my dad had to support my full body weight in order to get me out of the sanctuary.
       We went outside, and several people followed. I have no concept of how long it took to calm me down, but it definitely got worse before it got better. There was one woman messaging my shoulders, my dad held my hands, at least one person was praying for me off and on. A friend of ours got some tissue and water. It was chaotic to me. I hate that there was so much attention focused at me. I would have been embarrassed if I were more alert.
      As I began to calm down, the other people left. I think I was in tears almost the rest of the service, which we never went back to. My dad and I talked the entire time. We touched on various subjects, and I agreed to seek psychiatric care. So, more shrinks for me. Yay. Basically, everyone knows I'm not normal. I like to joke that at least I'm the good kind of crazy, but as time goes on, it seems that I am also the 'bad' kind of crazy as well. Maybe soon I will have a label for it. Who knows.
       Doctors are so quick to put labels on people these days, that everyone has something wrong with them. Oy. As much as I hate the idea, if I am labeled, maybe I can work towards feeling more balanced in life by learning about my disorder.

Today was better. I had an interview with Subway. Hopefully, I will hear back in a week or so, and have a job. Fingers crossed.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day 5

I have decided (again) to towards being healthier. This is definitive proof that I will be getting a job on Monday. Ok, no it isn't, but it seems as though every time I really start trying to get healthy, or start some kind of routine, something big changes it. I am now subscribing to the "Primitive Blueprint". Basically, this is just living the way we imagine people did before all the social bullshit that has become a part of our daily lives. No more fast food, over-processed food, or being on the computer all day. Here is the complete 10 step program:
1. Eat lots of animals, insects, and plants. Easy, just avoid processed crap
2. Move around a lot at a slow pace. I do this already
3. Lift heavy things. First I have to find things to lift. (I guess I count...)
4. Run really fast every once in awhile. I do this as well
5. Get lots of sleep. Good to go.
6. Play. Obviously Mosa is a good motivator for this
7. Get some sunlight everyday. Again, done and done
8. Avoid trauma/drama. Harder than you think, but possible
9. Avoid poisonous things. Done
10. Use your mind. I try to do this whenever possible

The only one I have a problem with is "Lift heavy things" because I don't see a circumstance when I would do this naturally.

Friday, September 6, 2013

day 3/4

Yesterday, I forgot to blog, but I remembered today. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, I am dog sitting, so it's easy to forget. Then again, because of dog-sitting, I am not doing much aside from watching TV and playing with the dogs., so it should be easier to Remember to blog.PS I AM POSTING VIA TABLET, SO IT IS HARDER TO EDIT.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 2

I did it! I remembered to post a blog blurb. Hehe blog blurb. I think I am finally ready to buy a planner. I used to be as bad with planners, as I am with journals and blogging, but for the last week or so, I have been writing to do lists everyday. Also, I finally found a planner that meets all of my needs.
On another note, I got free cheese today! "Throw the cheese!" I was at the farmer's market downtown, talking to this guy at the cheese booth, when he just up and offers me some cheese. He gave me an assortment of cheeses and bid me good day. :) My mom was really happy when I told her.
I am so glad that I am feeling better. This are looking up in general for me, and that helps a lot. I have a dog-sitting job this weekend, and an interview on Monday. Yay being alive.
So, that is my little post for today.
Hasta La Vista!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I'm back

The reason I started this blog in the first place was to encourage myself to write. I had a physical journal all through high school, but stopped writing in it, because I felt that my life was sort of boring. I thought that maybe if I had an online journal, I would be more likely to write in it. I was wrong. In fact, this blog has turned out probably worse than my physical journal. I'm more lazy because I don't always feel like signing in. I wonder what would happen if I made it a goal to do a post every single day for a month. The rules would be that I had to sign in and make a post. It wouldn't matter how long that post was, as long as I did it every day. I think I should do that. Any who, since I am never on here, I don't know what to catch you up on. Hold on as I re-read my most recent posts in an effort to catch myself up.
OK. My last post was about enlisting. I was living in Campo, with Walter, and working as an SEA. Got it. Well, I finally got in contact with a recruiter, but I wasn't allowed to enlist because of the scars on my arm. I told them that I don't do it anymore and that I would be more than happy to take any sort of test they needed to prove I wasn't crazy, but they didn't care. They said there was nothing I could do to get me into the military. It was a very sad day for me.

After that, I applied for border patrol....haven't heard from them either. So, around the end of July, Walter's family moved, and I moved back in with my parents. It isn't horrible living with them, but I know that I want my own place as soon as I can. Living in Bend always depresses me. I would be fine if I had a social group and a job, and a church, but I don't. As it is, I just go to farmers markets, send in applications, and surf the web. It makes me stir crazy, but even activities that I really enjoy become dull when there is no one to share them with.

As per usual, within a month of being here, I met a guy...and also broke up with him. Luckily for me, at least this guy was a decent guy. He just had to move. It sucks that I love military men so much. I think that for now I am going to avoid dating, As lonely as that sounds (and will be), I can't stand the idea that I keep losing guys because one of us moves. I move, he moves, I move again. It sucks. It's hard enough to find a decent guy, but always having to break up just because of geography is maddening. I am going back to school in January if everything works out.
       From there, I should be stable until I graduate, and then I plan on getting a job in San Diego, and moving in with my friend Liz. Let's see if that works out. Actually, being her roommate wasn't bad. Our only real problem was space. If we had our own rooms, we would have probably been fine.
       I should have stayed in the dorms instead of moving out with Katie. Neither of us could have anticipated that our relationship would deteriorate the way it did, but I can't help but think that if I hadn't been so impatient, we would still be friends. I like to say that I don't believe in the word regret. I heard this quote. It basically said not to regret what you do, because at one point in time, that action was worth it to you. If things don't work the way you wanted it to, then you learn from it, and move on. I don't believe in regret most of the time, but when I am depressed, it seems like the only thing I believe in.
    For the last couple of days, I have been feeling lethargic and unmotivated. I can barely get up and get out of bed. i have to literally force myself to eat. The only things I can convince myself I want to eat are hot dogs and potato chips. The good thing is that I am finally drinking appropriate amounts of water. My mom is letting me borrow a water bottle while I live here. It is green, and can hold roughly 32 oz. of water. I usually drink about two bottles a day, which makes 64 oz. of water consumed. I was eating really well before, and exercising everyday, but for some reason, I can't now. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. Gah. I feel slightly better today, and I am going to force myself to go outside tomorrow. Hopefully getting active will help me. Also, I am going to force myself to eat good meals tomorrow. I have to be careful, because I might get sick doing that. Yesterday was the worst. I forced myself to eat some soup and had to sleep off the nausea for the rest of the day. ICK.
    In other words, I am still looking for a job. I had several leads that went nowhere, much to my utter disappointment. I am now doing day labor to get some kind of income. At least I have that. On Saturday, I was a crowd management officer. This weekend, I will be dog sitting. Yay! Dog sitting sounds fun. Not much money in it, but what can you expect from friends? ;) That's all for now.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


When people talk about enlisting, they say that they see recruiters everywhere and that it is so easy to get in contact with them. WRONG FUCKING LIES! I have been trying to get in contact with a recruiter for weeks now, and I have yet to talk to any real person. I am so frustrated. I have read that a recruiter is the person that helps you through the process etc etc, but how can I join the Marine Corps if I can't even find a recruiter. Grrr. I am always finding articals about how few females there are in the Marine Corps, and complaints that there should be more. I'M trying to get in!!!!

A breakfast fit for instagram

I know that everyone and their grandma is posting photos and descriptions of their food online. I don't have a camera and my food did not look that good, but it was! What made my meal remarkable was not that it tasted good it was that I invented the dish. Last week, I boiled eggs for egg sandwiches and chopped them up and put mustard in it; then I found out that we didn't have bead or mayo. So I left it in the fridge because I couldn't figure out what to do with it. Last night, I made shrimp scamp and baked potatoes. Then I started on a bunny trail that went like this: scampi sauce is great on shrimp; crap some got on my potato; hmmm that tastes really good; potatoes and eggs go together very well, I wonder if all of this will go together well; it does! Basically, I took all my leftovers and chopped them up and nuked them, then I stirred it in with the egg and mustard in the fridge and nuked it again. It was really good and I was so bummed out that I couldn't finish it all. Oh well more for later!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

So close, and yet so far

I'm so close I can almost feel it. As I try again, I get the all too common feeling of, "It's happening. It's gonna happen this time!" Only to be disappointed once again. My muscles are all trembling and straining, but it's just not enough. I try everything: I kick my legs, arch my back, and stretch my neck, but I am just a few inches away from a full pull up every time. I have been trying to do a pull up for the last two months (the last 23 years is more accurate) and I can almost do one. I can get about 3/4 of the way there. For me, this is success. In the end of February, I couldn't pull myself up at all; not one lousy inch. In March, I could get half-way. I hope that with continued commitment, I will achieve my goal sometime in May. Fingers crossed. I also have a new approach for getting in shape. The only place to do pull ups around here is the neighborhood playground. While there, i realized that little kids can do pull ups and flips and cartwheels and basically are in much better shape than most adults. Why? They don't have to bribe themselves to do endless crunches or jumping jacks. They don't jog every day and have to drag themselves out of bed to do it. So, what is their secret? PLAYING! They just go outside and do fun stuff. They interact, and by doing so, they naturally work their little muscles out. That is why we can't keep up with them!
I took my theory, and put it to the test. I went outside (believe me, that was the hardest part) and I went to the playground and just....played. I noticed that as an adult I could break apart the games kids play, and apply it to the work out that I was already doing. Monkey bars help with upper body strength and train your body for pull ups. You want to get your cardio in and run? Tease someone into chasing you or play a sport. You still need lower body aerobics? Jump rope and hopscotch. Leap frog, the stairs on the playground, going the wrong way up a slide, and balance beams are all "workouts"! Even better if you can get others involved. Get a game of tag or hide and seek going. Grab a basket ball. You don't have to play a real game. Even just casually shooting hoops is fun. Hula hoops can really keep you limber and work your core. If you are having trouble getting motivated to do something, even if it isn't fitness related, think like a kid. It will do wonders for you.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Getting tired of this...

I used to think that my life was interesting because I move a lot. It has contributed to my adaptability and minimalist attitude, but now I'm just frustrated. My other blog entitled '42 reasons to enlist' includes a detailed workout schedule that I keep trying to update, but every time I start to figure out a schedule and stick with it, something changes. Last week, my boyfriend and I broke up. :( I spent most of the week brooding, which made things tense with my roommate and I, so I didn't really exercise. This weekend, I was TMI, don't want the details sick. I just got a new job that I will probably start sometime this week or next :D but that means that my new schedule won't work. Instead of trying to come up with a new schedule, I'm just going to make a general one until school starts. Once school starts, I will have a very stable schedule until the Spring semester, and then again until I graduate. After that, I might join the military, and I have no idea what that will have in store for me.
Anyways, my point is that I kind of wish that my life was a bit more stable. I know that it won't be very stable in the military, but at least I will be able to have more focus in my life and access to the resources I need.
I am still a bit sick, but I am starting to get some energy back, and I can hold down food and water now. I am kind of wondering if anyone actually reads this or any of my blogs? According to my stats they do, but no one ever comments, so I am under the impression that the only reason anyone reads this is because they are just going through random blogs. It's kind of depressing, but I never expected to be some popular blogger in the first place. :P

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Bible

I decided to try going through the Bible again. I almost rolled my eyes at that one too. :) This link gives an idea of where I am reading. The idea is to read the fun, interesting stuff. Stuff that you want to know, without long geniologies, doomsday predictions, or chapters of numbers and laws. Let's face it, our generation wants stories and love. That is what we want to read about!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Sugar Cookie Disaster

Is it March already? Wow. So, I decided to make some sugar cookies today, but I couldn't find any baking powder. I thought they would be fine without it.....they weren't. They were the worst cookies EVER! I had to throw out the entire two batches. :/ Maybe next time. Oh well.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I hate reading a post or message that someone wrote and being so distracted by bad grammar and spelling that I just give up. Well, I was reading some of my old post and I am guilty. I hang my head in shame. To be fair, most of the mistakes and whatnot ARE just typos, so I can almost forgive myself for that. Plus the fact that I tend to write tired, so I am not paying attention.


I logged on and was trying to look at my recent posts, but it says that they don't exist O.O
holy fritos! I hope not. I put a lot of effort into this blog

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

So, about what I said earlier....?

I noticed that a couple of posts earlier, I said that Connor and I were not going to be in a relationship, and then last post said we were.... tee hee oops? I really like him. He is the most sweet and understanding man I have ever met. He always seems to know just how to react to me.

This past weekend, I was an emotional wreck. I don't know why, but I was. I cried twice and I could tell that he was freaked out by it, but he still reacted perfectly. Both times, it started with something sexual. He just held me and said that he was there for me no matter what and that I didn't have to do anything I didn't want to. I felt so bad, but I am getting more and more uncomfortable around the male body as time goes on. I used to attribute my phallaphobia to inexperience, but I don't think I can say that now. He asked me to give him a BJ and I burst into tears. How pathetic is that? I don't know if this has anything to do with my sexual orientation or my background, but I want answers! I am so frustrated, and I know he is too.

So, I know I touched on the fact that I like to be spanked. As with most women, this is generally a playful and sexual thing, but I have also been curious about domestic discipline. So, when Connor told me that I was being lazy and deserved a real spanking, I said ok. Unfortunately for me, he brought it up a week or two before the event itself. Therefore I had plenty of time to psych myself out. I know that he would never injure me, but I knew it would hurt a lot. When the time came, he gave me a warm up with his hand and then spanked me with a ruler. It stung quite a bit, but it was nothing too bad...Then he got out the bath brush. *shudder* That thing is brutal. He said he didn't hit me that hard, but I started crying from the pain. That was the first time in a long time that I have cried from pain of any sort, especially outside pain. He was going to spank me with the spoon as well, but he said that I obviously had enough. Once he let me up, he gathered me into his arms and let me calm down. He assured me that I took my spanking like a 'good girl' and that it was all over. I am not saying that I would look forward to another spanking like that, but I trust him if he ever says that I need another one. At first, I didn't want him to playfully spank me, but after a while my mischievous side took over once again. :) I think that a loving DD relationship would be very healthy for me. I hope that, IF I decide to be in a relationship again, it will be very much like this one.

Sadly for me, Connor is moving to North Carolina on March 12th. We will more than likely break off our short lived relationship at that point and go our separate ways.

I am starting a new job soon. I took and passed the test to become a substitute teacher in the San Diego Unified District. I hope that I actually get some work soon, but I have to get TB tested and do some paperwork first. Ugh.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Everything has gone to shit. This past weekend, I went to mexico and got a root canal. When I go back to the states, Walter agreed to pick me up. He met me at Lolita's (yum), but the car refused to start. That was Sunday. His brother got a tow truck to haul it to a in front of a friend of a friend's house, then gave us a ride home. Since then, No one has been able to work, I got a really bad cold (I'm sick, I don't really know what kind), and I missed my only chance at getting a job, because we couldn't get the car fixed in time for me to go to the test. Walter is now sick. So, to wrap up my list of crap:

Within a month's time, I have gotten in a car crash, gone to the hospital, had to get a root canal, got me and Walter sick, there are no workable cars, quit my job and have no prospects, haven't seen my boyfriend in two weeks(I know, "boo hoo")and I now have no money, because I spent my last buck on the car.

If I remember later, I will elaborate more on each thing, but I am still tired and sick, so for now


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day the Earth Moved Faster Than Me

I haven't been on in awhile. Since "Update" ....Everything went to shit. I did actually get the job at MP and loved it. Frank and I broke up shortly after that post. I never really went back to church....hmmm. Katie and I got along very well at first, but our differing needs got in the way. I moved out in the beginning of November. Between that, I met a few guys that fit only one or two of my specific needs, but that's not really worth mentioning. Since I moved out, I have been living with my best friend Walter and his mom. I finally feel at home. Like I found the place that my soul is at rest ( or as at rest as it will ever be) I still have this urge to move, but as for living here itself, it's great. Walter is a fantastic friend. He is kind and understanding and more patient than I could ever hope to be. He taught me to drive his car (manual-urns out I actually LOVED driving it)

That brings us mostly up to date and to yesterday. Let me rewind just a bit and tell you that I met this guy online that is into spanking (refer to "my needs" above) and we talked online for awhile and texted before meeting in RL. I am not romantically attracted to him. Well, I am, but I am attracted to anyone who is gentlemanly to me. I should rephrase. I do not want a relationship with him, besides friendly spankos. Anyway, we have hung out a few times and gotten to know each other a bit better. His name is Conner and he is a musician in the Marine Corps band. He has a really sweet side and likes to pretend he is all tough, but he is just a kid inside. He is a bit younger than me, but he is the "top", meaning he spanks me when I am 'naughty'. :p

Anyway, Wednesday, I visited the San Diego Depot (usually he is at Camp Pennington....or what ever) I had trouble getting there, but once I got on the base, I had so much fun. They have a ton of stupid rules. Ugh. Since I got there so late, I decided to spend the night. Separate beds....dirty minds! Yesterday morning, we got up around 6 and I left. I was almost home, when I hit some black ice and Carrie Underwood's song pops in my head-without the baby of course.

The car started to swerve and as I tried to correct it,  the car swerved more, until it fishtailed into and over a barbed wire fence. The car flipped a couple of times and landed right side up. The only injury I have noticed so far is two sprained fingers and my shoulders are sore. I used my hand to brace myself when the car rolled, and it got a bit banged up. The car was a hot mess. Dents and scratched broken glass everywhere. After collecting my thoughts, the first thing I thought was that I needed to call Walter. I felt so bad about the accident. After I calmed down and made sure I was not injured in any major way, I stumbled out of the car. My cell was dead, so I waved down a passing driver and used their cell. After that, I stayed at the side of the road until a couple of firemen saw me and came over to make sure everything was ok. They called a medic and a tow. While they were talking to me, two more cars crashed on the other side of the road right after the other. Then it was all chaos. Finally Walter got to me, and we hugged fiercely. He said he didn't care about the car and that all he cared about was my safety. That is pretty much it. A few details that are boring, like quitting my job at Subway (LONG story) and taking care of the bill at the tow yard. I was cajoled into visiting the ER to make sure I was ok. We waited 5 hours to be seen. I got my hand X-rayed and they told me that I was fine. My finger was taped to the other and I was told to rest for a few days. Ice and Advil. Shrug. Conner and Walter have both been very attentive. Both Walter's mom and my mom of course deluged me with all kinds of advice, that I ignored because I was so tired. I am still tired and sore, but as anyone who knows me, can say, I am not one to stay in bed all day. Most likely, I will take several small naps.