Tuesday, October 30, 2012

African Lynx

More accurately called the Caracal:

is not a true lynx at all.

So, why the science lesson?

Because I believe that everyone has a animal spirit in them. Mine is the caracal. Small, strong, often confused mistaken as being something it's not...

I'm not sure why my animal is the caracal, but I know it is. I know this because I have been drawn to them for a while. Until recently I thought they were lynxes, so I thought I was a lynx. I have a picture one my laptop of a caracal and every time I see it, I feel a sense of oneness with it. Very mystical and weird, I know. :) I am weird. Perhaps this is why the idea appeals to me :p

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Memoirs of a Geisha

I forgot to add this to my last post.

Today whilst roaming around the bookstore on campus, a store employee complimented my eyes. He was backpedaling while he did this and ended up running into a rack of clothes. It reminded me of the scene in "memoirs of a geisha" when the mentor says that a sign of being ready is to be able to distract a man with one look. I am ready sensei! LOL

Cliff Syndrome

Has anyone else suffered from this? You meet someone or sign up for a new website and you get lots of attention. Lots of email, text, friend requests, everyone loves what you post....then with out warning or reason, you get crickets. No one answers your texts or comments on your new pictures or replies to your messages.

I don't understand why this happens. I am sick of it! I get so excited to be around people, and then I feel as though the rug was ripped out from under me. It happens every time. Even with people I consider really good friends. I just suddenly don't exist. :(

The reason I call it cliff syndrome is that I feel like those cartoons when a character walks off a cliff and doesn't realize it until they look down.

Monday, August 13, 2012


Well, it has been over a month since my last post, and a LOT has happened. I moved in to my new studio with Katie on the first. Frank picked me up from the airport and helped me move. It is obscenely hot and sweaty here. I tried to be frugal with the AC, but I kind of gave up on that. I was not hired with MP(bummer) but I am going to volunteer with the hopes that I will eventually be hired on. Still going to search other places for a job in the meantime. Frank and I have been together since the beginning of the month and I think we will have a very fun time together. Our personalities differ a bit, but "opposites attract" I guess.  I am trying to sell my bike and see what else I can do o make a few extra bucks to ease the burden on my parents. Katie has been gone most of the time this month and I have a feeling that she will continue the trend. I spend WAY too much time in the studio because the campus is so dead right now. I plan to explore the surrounding area this year and get out frequently, instead of staying in the studio and sulking. I hope my prescription continues to help keep my mood stable-er so that I can enjoy life. I have been continuing to improve my life in small ways. I get up at 5 most days and swim basically everyday (although the heat helps motivate me on that note). I have started to read the Bible again, and when Naomi gets back, i hope to go to church with her again. Life is frustrating and never simple. It is never ideal or perfect, but all things considered, I am living a pretty great life right now. :)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

new play by play

tomorrow, July 1st, I get my internet video privileges back. one month till moving
I still am waiting for Aaron to get my mom's cosign form
July 3rd is my interview with Matador Patrol
July 4th is independence day
July 5th is class registration
July 7th three weeks to go!
July 14th two weeks notice at work
July 21st get packing and make sure I have a flight picked out
August 1st Move out and in day!


blahblahblah...bored. I finally started a new-ish wake up routine. i say new-ish because it's the same routine, only I am actually doing it. I wake up at five, go online, say two quotes that put me in a good mood and do a few calm things like read my Bible or practice ambidexterity. Stuff like that. I find that waking up early makes it easier to have  good attitude later in the day. Once I get used to waking up that early, I will get a more settled routine of exactly what I need to do, including exercising at the SRC and making myself some tea.
I may have a job already lined up for when I get back. Matador patrol called and we set up an interview via Skype for Tuesday at 3:15. *fingers crossed* that I get the job. Even if I only get a few hours here and there, it would be worth it to get this job because A) I might be able to work nights and not interfere with my class schedule B) they will be more flexible and willing to work around my schedule- including during finals and C) if I decide to get a second or different job, it will be easier to get one when I already have a job. :)
My emotional state has been a lot better recently. I have been working on being confident and working towards my goals and keeping busy as much as possible. I had a confrontation/ intervention with my parents a while back, and basically I realized that, yes, sometimes I need to focus on myself and let other people deal with their own problems, but I was doing it at all the wrong times, and my self control was non-existent.
I love talking to Frank. He makes me all jittery inside. :p (my capital p button is not working ) I drew a picture of him (i tend to draw a picture of all the guys i like at some point or another. they inspire me) I am so impatient! tomorrow i can start video Skyping him again (internet caps are a pain!) and in one month, I will be back in Northridge, so I can give him a big hug! :D

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Not that you need one, whoever you are, but I am going crazy here in Oregon. Everytime I check to see how long until I go back to CSUN, it seems as though no time has elapsed.
May 19th: I arrived in Bend! Some relatives were staying over, so I spent the first few days sleeping in the guest bedroom and getting my job back at Subway.
May 25th: Working at Subway again and finally moved into my "permanent room"
June 1st: Still working at Subway and settling in
June 8th: Met Mikey and his family. Got an offer to teach his family ASL, but it never worked out. Also got really drunk on Saturday. I guess I am not very good at knowing my limits yet
June 15th: getting antsy and started cutting on Monday. Founda website that I thought would help me, but after my computers got viruses, I am afraid to go on it again
June 20th: I am counting the days until I can go to CSUN again. I am worried because I need to know where I will live and because I am not making very much money. I already submitted my cancelation for the dorms, so if the apt falls through, then I have no place to live and I am screwed.
June 27th: I will hopefully know if I got the apt and be cosigned and everything.
July 4th: Independance day!!!
July 5th: register for classes
July 11, 18, 25: Continue to work and save money for fall
August 1, 8th: Get ready to go back to CSUn. Not sure if going back this week or next, but I will be packed probably by the first and quit Subway the day before I leave. I can't decide if I want to leave earlier and be in CSUN sooner to get settled down and start looking for a job, and be with Frank, or later and have more money?

Computers are weird

"Righty tight,y lefty loosey...righty tighty lefty loosey....righty tighty lefty loos....aw crap!"
the screw came loose again. I had been trying to rescrew all the screws on the bottom of my laptop after failing to figure out how to clean it. When it comes to computers, half the time, I feel like those elderly grandmothers who ask what email is. I think I have decent skills with computers in general, but when one stops working, the only thing I can do is curl up in the fetal position and chant, "Reboot and hope for the best." over and over. I actually know a few things about computers and such from my Dad, but while he is the Chuck Norris of computers, I fail to retain most of what I need to know about basic computer maintainance. I recently got a virus on both of my computers and had to restore them both. My laptop was resotred to it's origional factory settings, which means that I spent the last two days updating and reinstalling all of my programs. (I still run into things I forgot to install, and I lost my Microsoft Office in the process) On my mini, I restored it to "an earlier point" to erase the virus that was on it, so that is not as bad, because I restored it to earlier this month. i view restoring computers as akin to time travel. You know? Like on those shows where someone makes a "fatal" mistake and goes back to before it happened in hopes that they can prevent it from happening? Then they realize that by doing so, they kept the good things from happening too? That's how I think of restoring my computer. I got rid of the virus, but now I only have Office on one computer and I had to reinstall all my programs on the other. I am so so so so so lucky that I had zero personal files on my computers!!! I have them safely on an external hard drive, as well as my itunes library. I would have lost years of work and journal entries and art and photos if I had them on my computer. Not to mention all my passwords!
Anyway, back to my origional story: My laptop keeps shuting itself off, so I assumed (based on internet research and my Dad) that it was probably just dirty. So, this morning I got a screwdriver from the garage and tried to clean it myself. Mistake number one: Thinking I knew what I was doing and not wating for my Dad. Mistake number two: (this is a great one) not turning off the damn computer first.... Mistake number three: Not paying attention to which screws went where. I still have a very small silver screw that has no home and my computer is not cleaned. <_<  yeah....cuz I'm smart. I recently posted a poem about being fabulous...that does not mean throw yourself head long into any challenge and assume you are able to accomplish it successfully. It means knowing yourself and your strengths and not being afraid to do something challenging for fear that you may fail. Well, that's my two cents of the day.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Our Deepest Fear

Our Deepest Fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some; it is in everyone.

And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give
other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.


I felt as though I should post something here, but I feel awkward now. People I know read this, and have talked to me about it.....I guess a general update wouldn't hurt (boring but safe?).

I got my first credit card yesterday. It's from old navy, so I don't have to worry as much as if it were a general credit card. I don't plan on applying for one of those until I get the hang of this one. I didn't intend to get one, though. That is the funny part! I walked into the store to buy a couple of shirts. I only applied to get the discount. When the cashier told e that I was approved, my jaw dropped through the floor. I plan on being super safe with it and buying maybe $25 dollars a month with it, so that I can pay it off in full every month. Then my credit will rise and I can be trusted with a general credit card and a higher limit. Mine right now is $300. Really low, but a good start. No complaining here! I have been shomping at the bit to get somone to trust me with some credit. And with my loans and bill for medical expenses and my soon-to-be- studio, my credit should be even better. Later, I hope to get a motorcycle and a bigger apt, but that is a few years down the line.

I have realized that even though I have not cut myself in a coupple of months, I am nowhere near "cured". One small pebble on the road of life can literally turn my day from fantastic to tragic. Yesterday started out fine, but after a negative message from a friend, I got to feeling depressed and had to call on my best friend in the whole world to calm me down. I cried, ranted, hyperventalated, and was very close to ruinging months of self-control. Luckily, after I called Walter, I felt so much better. He listened, ranted with me, helped me breath, and-most importantly- made me laugh. After that I skyped some other friends for a while and then ate a cupcake that my Mom made. Yum!

On another, yet all to familar topic: Frank and I are discussing the possibility of being a couple come Fall. Nothing is official, but I am acting as though it is to avoid confusion. It frustrates me that we are so far apart, but it is probably bette, since in my last relationship, we had too much time together too fast. Now we just skype and text a lot. We are getting to know each other, good and bad. Exciting, no?

Also, my academic life keeps getting longer. If I wanted to go the route of comunit service and study on y own for the certification test, then I could graduate in a year (if I take on a lot of units) then maybe get certified the year after that. I would have a BA. Not the one I wanted but I could go for that later. IDK. At this point, I will have 5 years of college under my belt by the time I graduate. Seven, if I am stuborn and wait for my interpreting BA. I would prefer to just graduate and worry about that later. I am so tired of school.

Hasta la vista!

Sunday, May 13, 2012


So, funny thing: the last few posts are old posts that were "drafts" i forgot to post. *rolls eyes* i am so close to finishing up with finals. hopefully by tomorrow night i will be completely done with the semester and i can focus on getting my dorm clean and getting back to oregon. i am so tired that i am finding it hard to do anything coherently. that's why (if you noticed) my sentence structure, grammar, and even just stuff like spelling, punctuation, and capitalization sucks right now. i slept for an hour in the library and then procrastinated for an hour because i was so tired. I can't wait to get to Oregon and not worry about anyone but me!!! (except for Katie because I will live with her in the Fall) I am actually hsppy under all this stress. I told Katie that I have been thinking about cutting again, which is true. But i think that (or rather hope that) it is just something that will stay on my brain and not transfer to my arm...

Hasta la vista!

Best Tip EVER!

So, I was at work the other day, and I saw a 2 dollar bill in the cash register. I wanted it. So, I told my younger coworker to make sure to save it, so I could switch it with my tips later. He used a curse word and said no way. So, I did what any mature professional woman would do. I stuck out tongue and switched the tips out right in front of him. So, there!

Hasta la vista!


okay, so the new year has come again, and I haven't updated recently, so here is a quick synopsis of the holidays to get me back on track:
New Years:

Hasta la vista!

Dinner at 7

So, I went to dinner with 7 and his family the other night. I had so much fun and we all loved each other. I met his sister Alex who is Deaf. Even though there has been some tension between them, she was so nice tonight. She helped me with a few signs and encouraged me to sign to 7 in order to help him communicate with her better. We went to a fancy restaurant and ate some amazing food (they had large portions so we brought some back to the dorm).

Hasta la vista!


You'd think that I would remember that the library computers don't have Word....

6.  Read the textbook, pp.269-280. 
Why is Harris telling you about Mithras or Dionysus of Thebes?
 that Christians may have used events in these mythical god's lives to spice up the idea of the historical Jesus to make Him more divine seeming.

 What is he suggesting about early Christianity?
 that it may have had some Greek influence

 Give me three examples of gods/ideas/religious phenomena he uses to prove his point.
Dionysus of Thebes, Socrate's "good life" and ethical questions, Mithraism7.  The Gospels.  Use class notes, chart, textbook 307-316.
What language did Jesus speak?
 greek an aramaic

What is the language of the New Testament?

Which part of the New Testament came first, the Gospels or Paul’s letters?
 paul's letters

What are the 4 categories of works in the New Testament? gospels, revelation, letters,
a.  What is Mark’s “Structure and Sequence of Events”? P.295
north and south. disciples and miracles; rejection and death.

b.  From your chart, What is missing in Mark’s Gospel that is found in Matthew and Luke?  Give 2 examples.
His postresurrection appearences and the birth story

c.  Which are called the “Synoptic” Gospels?  What does that word mean in this context? Matthew Mark and Luke because they all reffer to the same events (in general)

d.  OK, so what is the “Synoptic Problem”? (How did we phrase it in class?)    From class discussion and Exploring, 307-310, what is the answer to this question?
 what is the source for these books? mark and Q

e.  From the charts we did in class, what is an example of material that would have been found in Q?
Hypothectical sayings of Jesus

f.  Compare the genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Luke (lists of ancestors).  Name three ways in which these genealogies are different.
 luke recounts His life back to Adam and matthew tells it from abraham forward to jesus; Matthew includes important women and luke does not; some of the people are said to be begotton of different people.

f.  From your chart, what did Matthew and Luke take from Mark?
john baptizing,temptation by satan, parables, miracles, return to nazereth, assult on the temple, crusifixion, emtpy tomb

less of a history and more about His divinity.

Is Jesus baptized by John in John 1?
 What is Jesus’ first “sign”?
water to wine

 8.  THE MAP: IDENTIFY  Persian Gulf, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Tigris and Euphrates, Jordan River, Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee.  Be able to identify Israel on a map of the Middle East, and Mesopotamia.

9.  The Book of Acts (textbook, p.350 and following)
a.  Generally, what is the subject of the book of Acts?
milestones and role modles of early christianiy

What is the goal regarding the reputation of Christians in the Roman Empire?
that they were persecuted for preaching about Jesus

What is the relation of this book to the Gospel of Luke?
continuation of the idealized account of early Chrisitianity

b.  Tell me about the work of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 – what happens at Pentecost?
the holy spirit decends on the followers and gives them the gift of speeking in tongues

He used to persecute Christians but was converted into a pssionate believer

d.  What is the conflict of Acts 15?  How is it resolved?
circumsision and the law of moses or not? not, but about grace and abstain from sexual immoralitye.  What is the transformation that we find in the Book of Acts?  See p.361, #5.
ethiopian eunich, pharasee, roman centurian
10.  Paul (chapter 35)
a.  Do modern scholars think that Paul really wrote all the letters that the New Testament say he did?  Do modern scholars think he wrote “Letter to the Romans”? (366)

b.  What are the years in which Paul wrote these letters?  What do we mean when we say his letters were “occasional”?
he wrote letters when they were needed not on a regular basis. 50-60CE

c.  Where was Paul born?  What was the religion he grew up with?
Jew born in Tarsus 

salvation comes from grace and faith, not by folowing the laws of Moses.

 How does he use Genesis 15:6? 
Righteousness through faith

Why is it important to Paul that Genesis 15:6 comes before Genesis 17?
 What does he learn from that? 
because we know that Abraham's righteousness had nothing to do with circumsision
e. Now, what about Sarah and Hagar?  What do these women symbolize?  Why is this allegory controversial?  (Galatians 4)
higher truth (hagar= earthly jerusalm; sarah = heavenly jerualem)f.  What does Paul write about the following issues: 
Look at 1 Corinthians for these: chapters 5, 7, 8, 11
Should people be celibate in marriage?
Women and their conduct in church
Conduct at the Lord’s Supper   
eating meat from animals sacrificed to idols
Sexual immorality
 Sexual immorality  should be something to be ashamed of, but if your hormones are getting the best of you and you can't be a virgin or stay pure, then you might as well get married. don't worry about your marital status though. When married, your body belongs to the other person, women should cover their heads in church to pray, eat at home and don't be greedy at communion( be respectful), just eat the meat already...it's just meat.11.  Revelation (textbook chapter 38, class notes)
a.  When was this book written? 180 CE
 What kind of period was this like for Christians? not fun. cult and persecution
 Who is the Beast and what is his number?  (But who is he?)
 political tyranny 666 or 616.
 Who is the Whore of Babylon? rides on the beast
 But who is she really? greedy exploitation
 What is John’s vision at the end of the book?
the wedding of the lamb and the holy city. throne of God tree of life. gold precious gems...etc
d.  Tell me about his doctrine of “justification by faith”?  (367)
c.  What does the book tell us about Saul/Paul in chapter 9?
g.  What about the Gospel of John?  How is it different from the Synoptics?  4 ways.

Hasta la vista!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Internet IS Public

Kind of an obvious statement but one that is easily forgotten. Similar to the idea that an ASL conversation is almost never private. Anyone can see it. If you put something on the internet, be sure that you would be okay for ANYONE to see it. If there is even one person that you don't want to see it, you should probably NOT post it. I recently made a post venting about a few issues in my life and I assumed that no one read my blog because no one ever posts comments. I was wrong. My ex-boyfriend saw and called me out on a few things. I totally forgot about the post because I just vented it all out and dumped it here. That is the purpose of my blog, but then I realized that if people ARE reading my blog still (even just one or two people that I know) I need to go back to being a little more tactful :( and careful about what specific details I write.

Hasta la vista!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New Testiment Parables

Hi. Once again, I have put off my homework until the very last second, so I am writing my paper here. (here means in the library on my blog) I am so stressed out and my mom won't stop texting me!!!!! GAH

Today I will be discussing Jesus' parable of the  unjust manager from Luke 16:1-9.
1. What is a parable? (Oxford companion to the bible) it is a very broad term that basically means that Jesus puts air quotes and starts a story with  "hypothetically..." paralell universe....hyperbole...a short story used to illistrate a point by relating to the day to day lives of the audience. most of them include things such as animals or farms or the synagogue. (gotquestions.org)Earthly story heavenly meaning...deep truth
2. Why did Jesus use parables? Because it was a common teaching tool....because He wanted only his disciples to know what they meant because everyone else rejected Him and didn't deserve to know.
3. parable of the  unjust manager from Luke 16:1-9. The parable is about a man who finds out that the manager of his estate is not telling the truth about his accounting. The man gets fired, but not before finding a clever way to cheat the man one last time and assure himself some support so that he doesn't have to beg.
4. there other places that this story is in the Bible? Nope
5. What is the meaning of the parable? What was Jesus trying to teach his audience?(ttp://lavistachurchofchrist.org/LVanswers/2006/01-28.htm) says that the meaning of the parable is that some people know how to get what they want-especially "bad"people getting things of little or no value, while righteous people often do not know how to manage important things. Jesus was trying to teach His audience the importance of taking care of thiongs that are important and the value of being shrewd.
6. The meaning and general application of this parable would be the same for both Jews of the first centery and readers today. Be wise with small things and learn how to keep and take care of important things.

Hasta la vista!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Spring Semester 2012

WOW! I almost forgot about this blog! It has honestly been so long, that I find it hard to write anything. I have mostly been avoiding blogging because I am also avoiding my technology class home work O.o Also, I can't decide what to disclose or not disclose here. I have been through a lot this semester. Right now I just want to say hat today I had a daydream about becoming Deaf, and I got so excited that I had to keep reminding myself that I am indeed still a hearing student and not Super Deafy. Gah. Yeah. I hate myself sometimes......wait wit wait. back up. Ok. Start from Christmas. When I got back from christmas, at first things wee really cool with Sevan and I. We celebrated New Years with his family and did a LOT of cuddling...but I realized that somewhere along the line, I would look at him and feel... off. It didn't feel right and we kept getting into fights. I didn't like it, so I talked to him about it. We decided that I am too controlling and critical of him and our beliefs and life views are different. So, we broke up. It was a bummer, but it was for the best and we both felt better about it after. We tried to whole "let's still be best friends" thing but it didn't work. I didn't like him at all anymore and I got easily annoyed. So, I kinda ignored him for a while. Now I see him occasionally and we chat on FB sometimes, but I am still keeping my distance. If I don't I might loose any fondness for him that I have left. After We broke up in January, I got really depressed. I lost a bunch of energy and I just wasn't healthy. I am not sure if it is a direct result of the break up or not. Um, then Boy#2 started to hang out with me and that was fun, he told me he liked me and we texted and hung out whenever he had extra time. I started cutting in March out of curiosity, but then I got obsessed. I told one of my counselors about it in mid-march and started counseling on campus once a week with a woman who signs. I noticed though, that after counseling, I felt worse and cut more often. During Spring break, I made the trip down to SD, finally! I spent a majority of my time with Walter camping and I met his mother and bother, I also got to sleep in his room ( he slept on the couch) and I had so much fun. I also visited AJ but it wasn't as fun. She is so isolated now that she hardly paid me any attention. I hope that we don't drift apart!!! I spent most of my time with her youngest sister. Then I spent a day with my parents before coming back to CSUN. When I got back, I was so relaxed. Traveling and seeing Walter was the best cure for me. It wasn't perfect as I am still depressed and unmotivated and distracted, but I am better. I have made some plans for the summer and I am trying to solidify them. Right now, I am trying to deal with another boy problem. I got into a mini-argument with Boy#2, and texted another friend for advice. unfortunately, i sent it to Boy#2 by mistake and he got really angry. He said that he no longer wants to pursue the idea of a relationship with me. :( I got over him faster than I thought. As much as I have Attention Deficit Disorder (Not ADD. I mean I need attention all the time) I don't care about having a boyfriend. Anyway. There is also one more... series of events that I want to share before signing off. When I got back to campus, I texted this guy. He has been paying me a lot of attention. The problem is that he is a chronic flirt and has a really jealous girlfriend. Anyways, I asked if he wanted to hang out and he invited me to a party at a friend's house. I accepted, hoping to have some safe fun with him and socialize in a non-school setting. Boy was I wrong! I had alcohol. way too much. It started because they had the only beer that I like, so I was slurping away and minding my own business, when a friend got all excited that I was drinking and asked if I wanted to try shots. I said, "sure, why not" I had shots and this friend I was with and I got really "I love you drunk" The other party goers were concerned and separated us, or tried to anyway. After the party, I was ready for bed. I was pass out drunk, but not enough to decline him when he asked if I wanted to still hang out. Since the pool tables were in the locked up community center, we made our way over to his empty dark dorm suite and watched a movie. And cuddled and kissed. It was awesome until we got interrupted. I went home and slept it off, but I knew that we would never get another chance at that. We still hang out, but not as much. He has been there for me when I felt really low and hugged all my tears away. I really like him (in a shallow way, I admit) and he is a great guy and so fun to hang out with. I wish he weren't taken. I have told other people that if he broke up with his current girlfriend and started to date me, I would refuse, but I know that isn't true. The only thing that is true is that I could probably have a "just or fun" relationship and not get to attached if I wanted to. I want some guy fun in my life. My life is way too serious. I know I should be worried about myself and not guys but guys are so much fun! So, I think that sums it up. I am feeling better and have stopped cutting....Oh FRANK! I forgot to mention Frank. There was his guy that I met in January that was really cute and I hung out with him, but he quickly lost interest with me. I saw him right before Spring break, and I decided that he wasn't worth my time. Um, I have decided to not go after my party friend or go out of my way to give him any attention. If he comes to me, I won't deny him or ignore him, but I am not going to text him or anything. Considering that I see him all the time around campus, it's not too obvious, but I think it is more for his girlfriend's sake and mine than anything. I am trying to prove to all three of us that I am not trying to get him to cheat on her... ahem again.

Hasta la vista!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Catch up

Ok, three things: I read the Hunger games series, I like Erick, and I have started to exercise (and have come to the conclusion that I am a weakling).

One: I have read the hunger games series. I bought the first one and borrowed the other two from my roommate Liz. While a fun, quick read, it disappointed me. The writing itself was choppy and immature and it had some typos. As for the plot, both Liz and I agreed that each book was a continuation of the same thing. The first book, she volunteers to replace her sister in the hunger games. In book two, she is forced back in and rescued out. In the third book, she is in a war that is basically the hunger games again, just without the arena. Blah.

Two: I like Erick. Like I said in my last post, I am not desperate for a relationship. This one caught me off guard. I met Erick a couple of years ago, but we never hung out. We just bumped into each other every once in a while. When I was accepted into CSUN, we agreed to hang out. Finally this semester, we started to see each other more. We met at Arbor Grill and talked for a long time, then he invited me for lunch at his apartment. His friend Rhonda showed up as well and we had a good time. When Rhonda left, Erick and I continued to chat, and found out that we have a lot in common. We talked about exercise and sexual preference and drugs and parties. Then while I was lying on the ground, he looked at me and told me that he likes me. le sigh. :) He is super cute and funny and I like him too. We agreed to meet twice a week to run together, and I am really excited. We got together on Tuesday, and we were going to meet on Friday but he got sick. I found out that I am a very quick person when it comes to relationships, while he is very slow. Sigh. I can respect that, but sometimes it feels like he is loosing interest because he doesn't try anything .I know it's not fair, especially because I don't know him very well. 

Three: As I mentioned, Erick and I plan to exercise twice a week together. When I am not with him, I do other exercises. We run, I walk, do push ups, etc. I am so weak, it is ridiculous! I can't do monkey bars or pull-ups or anything. Gah! So, I am continuing to work on it everyday, around homework and church and stuff.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The End

It was fun while it lasted, but it didn't last long. After almost four months, Sevan and I decided to break off our boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. No, there was no fighting, or clawing out of eyes. We just came to the conclusion that we were not compatible as soul mates. We have decided that since we are so comfortable together, there is no reason not to be friends. We hope to become closer than ever before. What happened is that we rushed into a relationship instead of being friends first. If we had, we probably would have realized that it wouldn't work out before we got together. I have no regrets whatsoever. Both of us wanted to be in a relationship, and now that I have, I am no longer desperate for someone. Honestly, if I surround myself with people that love me I will be fine. The reason I was so desperate before, was that I wanted to prove that I wasn't unlovable. I felt that because I had never had a boyfriend, that no one could passably love me that way. I don't know why, but now I feel free to be single or in a relationship. I am not seeking either. I can take a deep breath ad focus on other, more important things...like school. Like I said, we are still very close, and we are happy.