Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day 5

I have decided (again) to towards being healthier. This is definitive proof that I will be getting a job on Monday. Ok, no it isn't, but it seems as though every time I really start trying to get healthy, or start some kind of routine, something big changes it. I am now subscribing to the "Primitive Blueprint". Basically, this is just living the way we imagine people did before all the social bullshit that has become a part of our daily lives. No more fast food, over-processed food, or being on the computer all day. Here is the complete 10 step program:
1. Eat lots of animals, insects, and plants. Easy, just avoid processed crap
2. Move around a lot at a slow pace. I do this already
3. Lift heavy things. First I have to find things to lift. (I guess I count...)
4. Run really fast every once in awhile. I do this as well
5. Get lots of sleep. Good to go.
6. Play. Obviously Mosa is a good motivator for this
7. Get some sunlight everyday. Again, done and done
8. Avoid trauma/drama. Harder than you think, but possible
9. Avoid poisonous things. Done
10. Use your mind. I try to do this whenever possible

The only one I have a problem with is "Lift heavy things" because I don't see a circumstance when I would do this naturally.

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