Saturday, September 14, 2013

Day 12

BAM!!! Take that pattern! I remembered two days in a row. What now?!

        On another note, I think that I have been telling my animals that they are the alphas, all my life. I have been scratching under their chins. In the wild, that means the I am beneath them. On the other hand, when I pet their heads, they act more submissive, because I have told them that they are beneath ME, and that I am the alpha. People assume that domestic animals have no traces of wild instincts left if they were born in a domestic environment, but that simply is not true. Take cats: They often bring in dead mice and lizards that they hunt and kill. They cover up their waste. They claw you when you touch their exposed bellies. These are all wild behaviors. Dogs roll on their backs to show submission. They bark at any perceived danger. They often "wolf" down their food. They play tug-a-war, and pounce on toys. These are also images of their wild selves.
      In my humble opinion, animals should be raised as animals, and not as babies. They should be treated and cared for the natural way. That is all. You may now return to your regularly scheduled programs.

Hasta la vista!


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