I'm so close I can almost feel it. As I try again, I get the all too common feeling of, "It's happening. It's gonna happen this time!" Only to be disappointed once again. My muscles are all trembling and straining, but it's just not enough. I try everything: I kick my legs, arch my back, and stretch my neck, but I am just a few inches away from a full pull up every time. I have been trying to do a pull up for the last two months (the last 23 years is more accurate) and I can almost do one. I can get about 3/4 of the way there. For me, this is success. In the end of February, I couldn't pull myself up at all; not one lousy inch. In March, I could get half-way. I hope that with continued commitment, I will achieve my goal sometime in May. Fingers crossed. I also have a new approach for getting in shape. The only place to do pull ups around here is the neighborhood playground. While there, i realized that little kids can do pull ups and flips and cartwheels and basically are in much better shape than most adults. Why? They don't have to bribe themselves to do endless crunches or jumping jacks. They don't jog every day and have to drag themselves out of bed to do it. So, what is their secret? PLAYING! They just go outside and do fun stuff. They interact, and by doing so, they naturally work their little muscles out. That is why we can't keep up with them!
I took my theory, and put it to the test. I went outside (believe me, that was the hardest part) and I went to the playground and just....played. I noticed that as an adult I could break apart the games kids play, and apply it to the work out that I was already doing. Monkey bars help with upper body strength and train your body for pull ups. You want to get your cardio in and run? Tease someone into chasing you or play a sport. You still need lower body aerobics? Jump rope and hopscotch. Leap frog, the stairs on the playground, going the wrong way up a slide, and balance beams are all "workouts"! Even better if you can get others involved. Get a game of tag or hide and seek going. Grab a basket ball. You don't have to play a real game. Even just casually shooting hoops is fun. Hula hoops can really keep you limber and work your core. If you are having trouble getting motivated to do something, even if it isn't fitness related, think like a kid. It will do wonders for you.
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