Saturday, April 27, 2013

A breakfast fit for instagram

I know that everyone and their grandma is posting photos and descriptions of their food online. I don't have a camera and my food did not look that good, but it was! What made my meal remarkable was not that it tasted good it was that I invented the dish. Last week, I boiled eggs for egg sandwiches and chopped them up and put mustard in it; then I found out that we didn't have bead or mayo. So I left it in the fridge because I couldn't figure out what to do with it. Last night, I made shrimp scamp and baked potatoes. Then I started on a bunny trail that went like this: scampi sauce is great on shrimp; crap some got on my potato; hmmm that tastes really good; potatoes and eggs go together very well, I wonder if all of this will go together well; it does! Basically, I took all my leftovers and chopped them up and nuked them, then I stirred it in with the egg and mustard in the fridge and nuked it again. It was really good and I was so bummed out that I couldn't finish it all. Oh well more for later!

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