"Righty tight,y lefty loosey...righty tighty lefty loosey....righty tighty lefty loos....aw crap!"
the screw came loose again. I had been trying to rescrew all the screws on the bottom of my laptop after failing to figure out how to clean it. When it comes to computers, half the time, I feel like those elderly grandmothers who ask what email is. I think I have decent skills with computers in general, but when one stops working, the only thing I can do is curl up in the fetal position and chant, "Reboot and hope for the best." over and over. I actually know a few things about computers and such from my Dad, but while he is the Chuck Norris of computers, I fail to retain most of what I need to know about basic computer maintainance. I recently got a virus on both of my computers and had to restore them both. My laptop was resotred to it's origional factory settings, which means that I spent the last two days updating and reinstalling all of my programs. (I still run into things I forgot to install, and I lost my Microsoft Office in the process) On my mini, I restored it to "an earlier point" to erase the virus that was on it, so that is not as bad, because I restored it to earlier this month. i view restoring computers as akin to time travel. You know? Like on those shows where someone makes a "fatal" mistake and goes back to before it happened in hopes that they can prevent it from happening? Then they realize that by doing so, they kept the good things from happening too? That's how I think of restoring my computer. I got rid of the virus, but now I only have Office on one computer and I had to reinstall all my programs on the other. I am so so so so so lucky that I had zero personal files on my computers!!! I have them safely on an external hard drive, as well as my itunes library. I would have lost years of work and journal entries and art and photos if I had them on my computer. Not to mention all my passwords!
Anyway, back to my origional story: My laptop keeps shuting itself off, so I assumed (based on internet research and my Dad) that it was probably just dirty. So, this morning I got a screwdriver from the garage and tried to clean it myself. Mistake number one: Thinking I knew what I was doing and not wating for my Dad. Mistake number two: (this is a great one) not turning off the damn computer first.... Mistake number three: Not paying attention to which screws went where. I still have a very small silver screw that has no home and my computer is not cleaned. <_< yeah....cuz I'm smart. I recently posted a poem about being fabulous...that does not mean throw yourself head long into any challenge and assume you are able to accomplish it successfully. It means knowing yourself and your strengths and not being afraid to do something challenging for fear that you may fail. Well, that's my two cents of the day.
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