Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I felt as though I should post something here, but I feel awkward now. People I know read this, and have talked to me about it.....I guess a general update wouldn't hurt (boring but safe?).

I got my first credit card yesterday. It's from old navy, so I don't have to worry as much as if it were a general credit card. I don't plan on applying for one of those until I get the hang of this one. I didn't intend to get one, though. That is the funny part! I walked into the store to buy a couple of shirts. I only applied to get the discount. When the cashier told e that I was approved, my jaw dropped through the floor. I plan on being super safe with it and buying maybe $25 dollars a month with it, so that I can pay it off in full every month. Then my credit will rise and I can be trusted with a general credit card and a higher limit. Mine right now is $300. Really low, but a good start. No complaining here! I have been shomping at the bit to get somone to trust me with some credit. And with my loans and bill for medical expenses and my soon-to-be- studio, my credit should be even better. Later, I hope to get a motorcycle and a bigger apt, but that is a few years down the line.

I have realized that even though I have not cut myself in a coupple of months, I am nowhere near "cured". One small pebble on the road of life can literally turn my day from fantastic to tragic. Yesterday started out fine, but after a negative message from a friend, I got to feeling depressed and had to call on my best friend in the whole world to calm me down. I cried, ranted, hyperventalated, and was very close to ruinging months of self-control. Luckily, after I called Walter, I felt so much better. He listened, ranted with me, helped me breath, and-most importantly- made me laugh. After that I skyped some other friends for a while and then ate a cupcake that my Mom made. Yum!

On another, yet all to familar topic: Frank and I are discussing the possibility of being a couple come Fall. Nothing is official, but I am acting as though it is to avoid confusion. It frustrates me that we are so far apart, but it is probably bette, since in my last relationship, we had too much time together too fast. Now we just skype and text a lot. We are getting to know each other, good and bad. Exciting, no?

Also, my academic life keeps getting longer. If I wanted to go the route of comunit service and study on y own for the certification test, then I could graduate in a year (if I take on a lot of units) then maybe get certified the year after that. I would have a BA. Not the one I wanted but I could go for that later. IDK. At this point, I will have 5 years of college under my belt by the time I graduate. Seven, if I am stuborn and wait for my interpreting BA. I would prefer to just graduate and worry about that later. I am so tired of school.

Hasta la vista!

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