So, I forgot to do a homework assignment because I thought the assignment was optional. It wasn't. Now it's over a week late and I have no idea if she will even accept it. The home work is for my ASL transliteration class, and I have to "gloss" a story from English into ASL. Here goes nothing:
Hasta la vista!
So, this will be a journal slash idea gush. My brain is always thinking and I needed a place were i can think and basically store all my extra thoughts.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
More on moving to LA area
So, a lot has happened since I made the move from Bend to LA. if you haven't noticed, I gave up anonymity. obviously I dont plan to give out my SSN or anything, but keeping names and locations is silly. I had all this stuff I was going to post, but no that I finally got on, I can't remember any of it. I think most of it was probably about events that happen here or there on campus, like the H.P. marathon, or going to a Pentecostal church last week. (lots of fun, but overwhelming). Oh well, I'm so twitterpated that I really don't care. Today I get to help my boyfriend (titter..I still giggle at that word) move. I get to meet his family today. He says they're nice, but there is still some inevitable anxiety beneath the anticipation. All you single people out there are gagging right now because of all my couple talk, and I was there less than a week ago, but now, I am more in the scientist stage. I am analyzing our relationship in comparison to others I have seen, read about and watched on TV and in movies. I have to quantify our relationship as a typical best-friend-first-timer relationship. We are silly and very affectionate. We argue about silly stuff, but try to consign to each other's requests. He turns of the TV when I am tired and goes swimming with me ALL THE TIME (because I really love swimming), and I go on walks with him and help him choose what movie to watch. Yeah, the sociodynamics of being in a relationship are so fascinating to me. For example, when I was single, being alone was sort of depressing. Now, even when I'm all by myself, I don't mind. I actually enjoy it often, because I have so much emotion in me and so many thoughts in my head(even more than before) that I need time to sort it all out! anywho, if I think of anything that is actually worth writing, I'll let you know!
Hasta la vista!
Hasta la vista!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
It just so happens that my boyfriend has a blog too! As a rule, I don't post pictures, but rules are meant to be broken.
Hasta la vista!
Hasta la vista!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Oh my gosh!!! I have a boyfriend. I have never had a boyfriend before, and I am so excited. He is super sweet and respectful. He has never been in a relationship either, so he's really shy about taking the risk of "making a move". I encourage him a lot though. His name is 7 and I love that we both live on campus, so, visiting is only a matter of when we are both free, and a short walk away. Controversially, I spent the last two nights at his dorm. It was so much fun, but I hardly slept at all. The first night, we were trying to sleep, but instead we watched four movies in a row and ended up getting to sleep around two in the morning, and last night, was just too hot. Our favorite past time is watching movies and walking to PizzasaurousRex. The guys at 7's dorm go there so often, that the proprietors know who we are. I have only known 7 for a couple of weeks, but I think we have enough in common that it can last a while. He is very open minded about life, which is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. One one hand, he is very relaxed and doesn't judge people about what they prefer or believe. On the other hand, he is non-religious and supports GLTB, which I don't. Then again, my best friend(who is also my room mate) has very different views on the world as well. I am learning how to make my views clear, while appreciating our differences and loving our similarities. It's a delicate balance, but one that I think I can handle. Of course I would rather his world views be somewhat more similar to my own, but at this point, I'm not much for being picky.
Hasta la vista!
Hasta la vista!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Impending awesomness!
Three days people! On Friday, I am outa here! My friend and dorm mate, Liz, is already there and going mad with her label-maker. I told her that I would appreciate her labeling my shelves and whatnot as well. Hehe. She is still dealing with her Mom there. I have three adults bothering me day and night. In some respect, I don't mind. i know they mean well and love me, but to be fair, I think they are kind of tired of me anyways. :)
Hasta la vista!
Hasta la vista!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Gird up your loins people! I will be leaving for CSUN in eight days! DAYS!!!! I can't believe this. I am almost all the way packed. I quit WFR, and I will be done at my other job on Friday. Next Thursday is the day. OMG!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHhhhhhhhh!!!!
Hasta la vista!
Hasta la vista!
At the fair with my buds
Alrighty! I haven't blogged in a while, so here's a somewhat update, mostly for my friend, Nicole. Nicole works with me and invited me to go with her and her roommates to the fair in Redmond. Here's what happened: While Luke drove, the three of us rode in the back and goofed off Nicole is the redhead no my right, and Ariel is on my left. Stephany is the blonde in the yellow shirt. Later you will see Katie, in a hoodie, and Luke (the only guy) Got it? good.
Nicole and i didn't want to get sick, so we laughed while the other kids rode on the scawy wide. Seriously guys! zoom in and see your faces!!! LOL
"Shopping" with the girls ...and Luke
"Hot girls on hot rods"
Rodeo Clowns
Farris WheelI have no idea what this was about....nor do I know who that kid is with Luke, but he seemed to know almost everyone at the fair so....carpe Diem
Saturday, July 30, 2011
The "new" me
So, I have horrible luck with guys. Just horrible. Yesterday was my first day off in a while, and I went out with my gay coworker, Precy. We went to American Eagle. I don't usually shop there because of the prices, but he wanted to look around, so I said why not. I bought this cute sleeveless dress, and he bought me some cute jewelry. I have decided to rock this Bohemian style of dressing. If only I had a bit more free cash to spend on filling out a new wardrobe. I look, dare I say in this outfit. Summer, if you want I'll show you. More about other life drama later. My Dad is returning with my grandma in a few minutes. I'll catch ya later.
Hasta la vista!
Hasta la vista!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Long time no see
OK, so I don't want to completely abandon my posts..hahahaha. I mean the blog, but I have been so busy, that I forget about it. Quick update: Leaving OR on the 25 of August, count it, five weeks. Finishing work on the twentieth, three weeks. I have my dorm room, dorm mates, and classes mapped out. I will talk to a counselor once I get there. I have yet to secure a job, or get books, but I can't help that too much. The owner is never there, except when I am at work, and they haven't posted the books yet. My aunt Terri is here until Thursday, I am starting a new health kick. Walter might visit, but feels guilty about the way we spend our time together, Carie is cutting my hours, and I have lost a total of almost ten pounds since moving here. My goal is to be 125 and steady by the time I leave. My complete goal is to be 115-119. 119 because it is under 120. i have to go because i am already late.
Hasta la vista!
Hasta la vista!
Friday, July 8, 2011
My logical and mature evaluation of my current living situation
omg omg omg omg! I will be living in CSUN dorms in exactly seven weeks! I have to get ready! buy my books; comb my hair; register for classes; get a dorm room; brush my face; walk the dog; get a job; pack my stuff...and in that order too! Woah. I am really excited to go. I really like the city I've been living in now, but I am so ready to live on my own. I figured out that if I find a job (in the long term future) that pays around forty thousand a year- forty an hour at twenty hours a week, then I can live very comfortably. That is, assuming the price of living does not go up. Of course none of this will matter, seeing as I shall win the mega super-duper lottery in the near future! Hahaha..haha....hahaha!
Hasta la vista!
Hasta la vista!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Today, I had to get up at the unGODLY hour of nine in the morning...yes, that's catch the bus to go to work at ----------. The good thing is that it is getting warmer outside. It actually felt like spring (GASP). I started work at eleven fifteen. from then until three, I got nary a moment's rest. no break, and I was out of breath. So. many. customers. GAHHHH. At the same time, there is something fulfilling about working hard and making people happy. I am getting way better and more confident t what I do. Yay me! After work, I walked down the road and caught a glimpse of the Red Cross office. My parents have been on my back about volunteering more, so I walked in and talked to the guy there. "We'll call you." Then I took the bus to the local library. There, I borrowed a childrens' book written by Marlee Matlin and requested others including a few DVD s. I can't wait. While at the library, I tried to donate blood. I say try, because that is the key word here. I don't know WHY they had a problem; I've done it three times before without a hitch. I do have to admit that I get more dizzy each time, but I figured I could deal with that. I ate healthy and was hydrated before I went in. So I went through the process. For those of you who think it's a wam bam thing and have never done it, here's how it goes:
1. go in and sign up, unless you have an appointment.
2. If you don't have an appointment (i.e. you just walked in for the cookies they give you after), you have to wait and read a few papers that tell you information on why you may not be eligible.
3. then they call you to go behind a partition, were they do a quick check-up to make sure you are healthy and don't have any communicable diseases.
4. After that they make you answer about fifty questions related to sexual activity, drug use, and travel. If you pass that, then they ask you to repeat your name about five times (to make sure you don't forget?)
5. Finally you get to sit in the lay-down chair, where they ask your name....again, scan a few bar codes, take your blood pressure, mark your arm, and swab said arm with iodine.
6. FINALLY, they stick you with a wide needle that is hooked up to a bag. they make you sqweeze a rubber ball every once in a while.
7. about five or ten minutes later, they unhook you, when your bag is full.
8. then they clean you up and wrap your arm in obscenely cheery gauze.
9. assuming you don't get sick or dizzy, they give you a score sheet to see how much you enjoyed it
10. lastly, they give you a sticker with the date of the next time you can donate and you get to enjoy some treats. usually they have cookies, crackers, trail mix and juice and water.
TIP: if you want more yummies, pretend you don't feel good. go on and on about how you think you are going to fain and you may or may not throw up. ;) they FORCE you to eat more and drink lots of fluids. They also usually make you lay down and put ice packs on your neck or chest, forehead, and back.
Today however, was just icky. I got there, did the questions and sat down. They couldn't find my vein after they marked it, so they jabbed me anyways, but blood refused to flow, so they took the blood pressure gauge and cut off my circulation and tried again. Meanwhile, my arm is tingly, and the crook of my arm hurts because they keep adjusting the needle which never leaves my arm. Ummmmm....OWWWWWW!!!! "Do you want me to stop?" No, sweetheart, having you constantly pulling and pushing that needle around in my arm feels great thanks. not that I can feel my arm, because you cut off my circulation....btw I feel nauseous. is that supposed to happen?" Seriously. I thought these people were professionals. BTW Summer, On the name tag of one of the ladies working with me, it said MUA. at first I thought it said MLIA, and I got really giddy, then disappointed as I read what it actually said.
Hasta la vista!
1. go in and sign up, unless you have an appointment.
2. If you don't have an appointment (i.e. you just walked in for the cookies they give you after), you have to wait and read a few papers that tell you information on why you may not be eligible.
3. then they call you to go behind a partition, were they do a quick check-up to make sure you are healthy and don't have any communicable diseases.
4. After that they make you answer about fifty questions related to sexual activity, drug use, and travel. If you pass that, then they ask you to repeat your name about five times (to make sure you don't forget?)
5. Finally you get to sit in the lay-down chair, where they ask your name....again, scan a few bar codes, take your blood pressure, mark your arm, and swab said arm with iodine.
6. FINALLY, they stick you with a wide needle that is hooked up to a bag. they make you sqweeze a rubber ball every once in a while.
7. about five or ten minutes later, they unhook you, when your bag is full.
8. then they clean you up and wrap your arm in obscenely cheery gauze.
9. assuming you don't get sick or dizzy, they give you a score sheet to see how much you enjoyed it
10. lastly, they give you a sticker with the date of the next time you can donate and you get to enjoy some treats. usually they have cookies, crackers, trail mix and juice and water.
TIP: if you want more yummies, pretend you don't feel good. go on and on about how you think you are going to fain and you may or may not throw up. ;) they FORCE you to eat more and drink lots of fluids. They also usually make you lay down and put ice packs on your neck or chest, forehead, and back.
Today however, was just icky. I got there, did the questions and sat down. They couldn't find my vein after they marked it, so they jabbed me anyways, but blood refused to flow, so they took the blood pressure gauge and cut off my circulation and tried again. Meanwhile, my arm is tingly, and the crook of my arm hurts because they keep adjusting the needle which never leaves my arm. Ummmmm....OWWWWWW!!!! "Do you want me to stop?" No, sweetheart, having you constantly pulling and pushing that needle around in my arm feels great thanks. not that I can feel my arm, because you cut off my circulation....btw I feel nauseous. is that supposed to happen?" Seriously. I thought these people were professionals. BTW Summer, On the name tag of one of the ladies working with me, it said MUA. at first I thought it said MLIA, and I got really giddy, then disappointed as I read what it actually said.
Hasta la vista!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Six Dinner Sid
When I lived in San Diego, and took ASL classes, we had a story we had to watch about a cat that roamed his neighborhood, eating an average of six dinners a night. The people of the neighborhood each thought that they owned the cat until he got sick and the vet found out about Sid(the cat)'s trick. The people kicked him out of the neighborhood, and he moved to another one that didn't mind him eat at everyone's house.
Why did I tell you this story? I told you this story because I met a real live Sid. He is an orange Main Coon named Oscar. He lives in a neighborhood near my house.He's had a few previous owners, and they all moved away. Now he just wanders around and gets taken care of by everyone in the area. I found him at the bus stop, took him home, fed him and made sure he was safe. I was worried about him all day at work. When I got home, I made him comfy and called a bunch of people until I found out were he lives. When I went over there, I found out the story. My dad said I couldn't keep him overnight to take him to the humane society, so I let him loose and prayed for the best. I feel awful, but I have a feeling that he will be happy and continue to be overfed and loved by the people in his little community.
Why did I tell you this story? I told you this story because I met a real live Sid. He is an orange Main Coon named Oscar. He lives in a neighborhood near my house.He's had a few previous owners, and they all moved away. Now he just wanders around and gets taken care of by everyone in the area. I found him at the bus stop, took him home, fed him and made sure he was safe. I was worried about him all day at work. When I got home, I made him comfy and called a bunch of people until I found out were he lives. When I went over there, I found out the story. My dad said I couldn't keep him overnight to take him to the humane society, so I let him loose and prayed for the best. I feel awful, but I have a feeling that he will be happy and continue to be overfed and loved by the people in his little community.
Hasta la vista!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Arms (book) race
Summer and I are unofficially in a book race. She started me on this book series, called "The Dresden Files". She reads really fast, but can only get the books as she gets money to buy them. I can read them for an hour each day at B&N, if I can get there. I WAS way ahead, until just a day or two ago, and then she finally bought the book I am on, and she just blew by me, and now she's done!!! I had maybe two weeks total, that I was ahead of her. Hopefully she is now broke again, so I can start the newest book first. Who will finish the entire series first? The broke bookworm? or the bus dependent one? No one knows! You mus wait and see. I would say cast your votes here, but I vote for me, and Summer will inevitably vote "Summer" It would just end up like voting for a pirate lord. And THAT wouldn't do anyone any good at all.
Hasta la vista!
Hasta la vista!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
W--- update
So, I figured something out. EPIPHANY! haha. I've been looking at this relationship the whole wrong way! We ARE just friends, but we are the type of friends you see on TV. You know, the type that can do just about anything together and not feel awkward. I can't believe I hadn't thought of that before. That makes me feel relieved and happy for a few reasons. One, I don't have to be stressed or upset that he doesn't want to be my official boyfriend. Two, I've always wanted a close guy friend/brother/homie person to be in my life. Yes, we kiss and snuggle, but we never were ones to submit to normal society rules....and it's really fun! :P
Hasta la vista!
Hasta la vista!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
So, I got my second job. Thankfully, it wasn't as big of a deal as it was to get jobs in the past. This lady from a bike rental place emailed me. I had asked her for a job a few months ago, but since she has a summer business, there were no openings. She is a really nice, upbeat, laid back person. The bike place is WFR. It should be lots of fun, as I am laid back, and love people, and love being outside. I don't have to deal with too many employees, or a lot of supervisors running around, telling me what to do. Once I get the hang of all the jobs, I will be left there alone during my shift, with occasional help when it is busy. I have to either open or close. If I get the opening shift, I make sure all the bikes are out, including the display bike that goes down the street, signs, the cart with the cash register, and the canopy are all in their correct spots. I have to make sure that the cash register is on and working and has the right amount of money in it. I have to make sure that all the bikes are clean and working the right way, and then I have to make sure we have all the paper work. As fort dealing with guests, there is a lot to keep track of. If I close, I have to put everything away, including the heavy double surreys, and the display bike down the street, I have to do a bunch of closing paperwork, and make sure that all the extra money goes in the safe, then I have to lock everything up safe and clean, and perfect. It's a lot of responsibility, but that just makes it better. At S------, the main thing I have to be responsible for is that I deal the correct amount of money, that the lobby is clean, and that if anything runs out, i get more from the back.
On another subject, I leave for San Diego in four days, and CSUN in three months. I have so much to do, but I still have to wait for the right times in which to do them. GRRRRR. I can't wait for Thursday. I finally get to see Summer and June and Dae. Not to mention Liz, my soon-to-be dorm-mate, and W----. I might be able to even squeeze in a visit with J---- and E---- while I am at CSUN. I will be so busy this weekend. I have to visit everybody, go to CSUN, and make sure that my Mom feels the love on her birthday. Luckily, her friends are taking most of the responsibility for the birthday, and my friend Liz is helping me get to CSUN. I still have to arrange my time so that I get to see everybody, and not drive my hosts crazy. (I am sleeping at Lizzy's house, unless her mom kicks me out. Luckily, I might still be able to crash with Summer if that happens....right? RIGHT?!). I am starting to get things for my dorm, but I will mostly make a list of things I need and get them there. I don't want to have to spend my first weekend there unpacking the whole time. I want to party with my friends. WOOT WOOT!
Hasta la vista!
On another subject, I leave for San Diego in four days, and CSUN in three months. I have so much to do, but I still have to wait for the right times in which to do them. GRRRRR. I can't wait for Thursday. I finally get to see Summer and June and Dae. Not to mention Liz, my soon-to-be dorm-mate, and W----. I might be able to even squeeze in a visit with J---- and E---- while I am at CSUN. I will be so busy this weekend. I have to visit everybody, go to CSUN, and make sure that my Mom feels the love on her birthday. Luckily, her friends are taking most of the responsibility for the birthday, and my friend Liz is helping me get to CSUN. I still have to arrange my time so that I get to see everybody, and not drive my hosts crazy. (I am sleeping at Lizzy's house, unless her mom kicks me out. Luckily, I might still be able to crash with Summer if that happens....right? RIGHT?!). I am starting to get things for my dorm, but I will mostly make a list of things I need and get them there. I don't want to have to spend my first weekend there unpacking the whole time. I want to party with my friends. WOOT WOOT!
Hasta la vista!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
I was passing by subway the other day, just minding my own business, when I heard a voice call out to me. I freaked out until I realized that it was my friend using the drive thru speaker. So, I did what any self-respecting adult would do. I walked over and had a five minute conversation through the drive thru speakers. DUH.
I have a question. If you announce that you have something funny to say, does that make people more or less likely to laugh at what you have to say? On one hand, they are all primed and ready to laugh. On the other hand, they are expecting something funny, and might build it up too much. What do you think?
Hasta la vista
I have a question. If you announce that you have something funny to say, does that make people more or less likely to laugh at what you have to say? On one hand, they are all primed and ready to laugh. On the other hand, they are expecting something funny, and might build it up too much. What do you think?
Hasta la vista
Friday, April 1, 2011
Do women that are sterile still PMS? I know this may sound quite insensitive, but I was wondering, because I know a woman who doesn't get periods, but she still seems very emotional at least once a month. I suppose I could be scientific about it and record these events on a chart, but this would be inconsequential because I am moving in five months. OH MY GOSH I AM GOING TO CSUN IN FIVE MONTHS!!!!! Do grizzly bears like cupcakes (suddenly thinking about W----)? Ok, let's not kid our-myself. I am always thinking about W---- regardless of my desire for sugary confection topped with dyed sugar. If you leave off the icing, does that make it a muffin, or is it still a cupcake? The world may never know. I applied for a second job today, actually I applied at two places and on Tuesday, I applied at another. I don't want a second job. In fact, I don't want a first job, but they are necessary. blah blah blah. I need some really awesome graphics, but the only thing that comes to mind is tie dye.
Hasta la vista
Hasta la vista
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Freedom to Fail Essay
This post has been removed by user. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please accept our condolences and this picture of a cute puppy:
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
New Friend (cont.)
This will be my last post about, listen to your parents. They are old. therefore they know more than you! I didn't listen to my parents. I went over to Moss's house today to check it out. There wasn't much to his place. It was really small, one room, with a couch, some books, a chair and a TV. we sat on the couch and made small talk, then he wanted me to cuddle with him.....what happened next surprised me. He was not respectful or understanding or very patient. He wanted to touch me and wouldn't understand when i told him not to....he started rubbing my back, and he unhooked my bra strap. I left...obviously. If I was in dog doo before, now I'm neck deep in it without a Wet One.
The obvious and probably right thing to do would be to not see him anymore, ever. As pathetic as it sounds....I don't know if that's what I want to do. I was overwhelmed by his tenacity and boldness, but... I'm really lonely and it felt good to be appreciated. In high school, I learned about love languages. there are five love languages: Physical touch, giving gifts, words of affirmation, quality time, and acts of service. My love language is touch. This means, that to feel loved, I need physical contact. My parents aren't exactly touchy feely. The only person I ever felt really close to physically, was W------, and he's in San Diego. I need touch, and Moss is/ was willing to provide that.
It sounds shallow to want to hang out with a guy, primarily for that reason, but I get depressed if I don't have physical contact. That is why sports are good for me, and swimming. God, swimming. I love swimming, because under water, it is quiet and I feel touch all around me. That's the same reason I love rain and windy days (as long as I'm not cold). I am tempted to allow this relationship, just to keep me sane, although, right now, it is driving me INsane. Summer, I know that you are not an expert in relationships, and I know you...and everyone else....told me to just be upfront about how I feel with Moss, but I can't. It doesn't exactly come up easily in everyday conversation, and it wouldn't make any sense now. Most of you confidants will tell me to just sever this relationship, but then what? Go back to being alone and without friends? Be even more depressed than before, bordering on clinical depression? WHY CAN'T LIFE BE SIMPLE?!?!?!
Oh, well. Hasta la vista
The obvious and probably right thing to do would be to not see him anymore, ever. As pathetic as it sounds....I don't know if that's what I want to do. I was overwhelmed by his tenacity and boldness, but... I'm really lonely and it felt good to be appreciated. In high school, I learned about love languages. there are five love languages: Physical touch, giving gifts, words of affirmation, quality time, and acts of service. My love language is touch. This means, that to feel loved, I need physical contact. My parents aren't exactly touchy feely. The only person I ever felt really close to physically, was W------, and he's in San Diego. I need touch, and Moss is/ was willing to provide that.
It sounds shallow to want to hang out with a guy, primarily for that reason, but I get depressed if I don't have physical contact. That is why sports are good for me, and swimming. God, swimming. I love swimming, because under water, it is quiet and I feel touch all around me. That's the same reason I love rain and windy days (as long as I'm not cold). I am tempted to allow this relationship, just to keep me sane, although, right now, it is driving me INsane. Summer, I know that you are not an expert in relationships, and I know you...and everyone else....told me to just be upfront about how I feel with Moss, but I can't. It doesn't exactly come up easily in everyday conversation, and it wouldn't make any sense now. Most of you confidants will tell me to just sever this relationship, but then what? Go back to being alone and without friends? Be even more depressed than before, bordering on clinical depression? WHY CAN'T LIFE BE SIMPLE?!?!?!
Oh, well. Hasta la vista
Monday, March 28, 2011
New Friend
Ok, update on the new friend...sigh. Summer, you were right. He likes me. Yesterday, my parents encouraged me to invite him over. While we were watching a movie, he put his arm around me and told me to sit closer...WHAT?!?!!?!..... I thought we.....and you...and I.....*deflates* I'm in some deep doggy doo now. AND THEN, he tried to hold my hand!!!! but the funny thing is that he let go when my parents were in the kitchen. HAHA! Thank GOD for parents....yes folks, you heard it right here on blogspot, right from the horse's mouth. I am thankful to God for my parents. Anyway, I don't know what to do. He's a great guy, and I need a connection to somebody that lives near me, but Idon't want him to think that I am romantically interested in him. GAAAAHHHHHHH. Warnng: I don't know what I am doing! I am flying solo, into uncharted territory!
It is flattering, though to have someone interested in me. In the past, it was always the other way around. Well, that's another thing to cross off the list. *shrugs*.....hey what happened anyway?! I turn twenty one, and suddenly, I'm someone to be attracted to. What changed? I still look relatively the same. I haven't done much different from last year.... maybe my confidence level went up? IDK!!!!!!!!! Again, I'm flattered, but completely overwhelmed! Summer, you're an expert on relationships and social interaction between the sexes.......Shoot......basically my only confidant, and neither of us know squat about relationships. I'm so gonna die.
sigh...Well, hasta la vista
It is flattering, though to have someone interested in me. In the past, it was always the other way around. Well, that's another thing to cross off the list. *shrugs*.....hey what happened anyway?! I turn twenty one, and suddenly, I'm someone to be attracted to. What changed? I still look relatively the same. I haven't done much different from last year.... maybe my confidence level went up? IDK!!!!!!!!! Again, I'm flattered, but completely overwhelmed! Summer, you're an expert on relationships and social interaction between the sexes.......Shoot......basically my only confidant, and neither of us know squat about relationships. I'm so gonna die.
sigh...Well, hasta la vista
Friday, March 25, 2011
New Friend
Moving is tough. Depending on how far you move and if you know anyone where you are moving to, it can be even more tough. I don't know anyone here in this wasteland of Oregon, except my parents, and they don't really count. Today, at the bus stop, I met this guy named Moss. Weird name, cool guy. Very friendly and from Orange county to boot. We parted ways and met up later by the local movie theatre. Then we went down the street to the park and sat on the benches and watched the teenagers make fools of themselves and we got to know each other a bit better. We hung out at the library for a few minutes while I waited for the bus and parted with a hug. I don't know how I feel about him. Obviously there are no romantic feelings here for him, seeing as I am still gaga over W----- , but I think it is a relationship worth persuing. After all, I met W----- randomly, and look were that took me. My parents have always warned me about strangers, but does that hold true as an adult? Is it still stupid to give a stranger your phone number if they seem nice? What do you think, world....Summer? .....and yes, he is cute :P *shakes head*
Hasta la vista
Hasta la vista
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Worker's comp
OK, so today I was at work, and I nicked my thumb on one of the machines, and it started to bleed. I'm not truly a hypochondriac, but I do have too active of an imagination. I imagined that my thumb wouldn't stop bleeding and that I got an infection, 'cuz I couldn't find a proper band-aid...etc. Then I could get rich and lazy off of workers' comp. teehee. Of course, if I really was that messed up, I would just sue for the cost of college O.o ...jkjk. any who...blah blah blah. I'm bored. entertain me...WAIT NO I'M NOT BORED..I apologize Mr. Hicok. I, I am not boring; I can entertain myself. For all of you invisible readers, I had a teacher in high school, who used to say that if you are bored, it's because you yourself are boring.
HAHA, Well, hasta la vista!
HAHA, Well, hasta la vista!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Messing With Their Minds.
Know what one of my favorite things to do is? Go out in public and pretend to be Deaf. Sometimes I don't feel like talking, but I need to communicate, so I use ASL. Unfortunately, I seem to be the only one. :( I know, I know; it's not very sensitive. It is so much fun though. Today, I went into the new library and wandered around. Eventually, I got bored, so I went up to the main desk and started signing about a book I wanted. I decided not to too be too mean, so I incorporated a lot of lip work. I know, aren't I generous? *Smirk* Another reason I do this, is to find out if anyone actually signs. (Acts dramatic) I feel sooo ALONE! When people don't know sign language, they do a lot of random gestures and they over emphasize their lips. SO funny! At one point, I heard one of the ladies say to the other, "She's Deaf." It was so hard not to laugh at them...I didn't want to blow my cover. Finally I got bored of writing down, so I pretended to read their lips and used my deaf accent with some signs to make myself understood. Then I thanked them and left.
Hasta la vista!
Hasta la vista!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Betting My Old Man
Tonight, after dinner, my parents and I were watching "The Biggest Loser". Inspired by their determination, I challenged my Dad to a contest. Whoever could do the plank the longest, would pay for movies....Yes, I lost. I lasted maybe fifteen seconds or so before I collapsed. My back is now sore and I have to pay for movie tickets for me and my dad. Tip for fat heads like me; don't bet against my Dad unless you know for a fact that you will win. In all the time that I have lived with them, I have won maybe one or two bets at most, that I made with my Dad. One was a definition or spelling, I think. everything else was me loosing pathetically. Oh, and my Mom and I made fried chicken for dinner. YUM. very heavy and greasy, but satisfying.
Hasta la vista!
Hasta la vista!
Cupcake Boyfriend.(Cont.)
OK, so I promised you that I would try this whole cupcake experiment, and I did. I went with my mom to Ida's Cupcake Cafe. Its a small little shop, where you go in and choose a cupcake, from an endless variety of combinations. they have two sizes. I chose a gourmet size, vanilla, topped with cream cheese frosting. Instant. Heaven. I thought about my boyfriend the entire time, but when I was done, I felt completely content. Gone were the deep empty corners of my heart. They were now filled with sugar. Oh and W----, if you ever read this, no, I am not replacing you. I just need an outlet. I didn't expect my little experiment to work that well. Of course, it could be the fact that I suddenly felt very tired and sleepy after eating said cupcake. Well, either way, I felt good. dah nah nah nah nah. I feeeel nice nah nah nah nah. So nice, ah ah So nice, ah ah I got you oo oo oo ooo.
:) Hasta la vista!
:) Hasta la vista!
Double Yolk Breakfast
The title basically says it all. I was making my breakfast of two egg (that I have almost every day) and, much to my surprise, I see this:
I'm tempted to do a parody of the "Double Rainbow" off YouTube.
BTW. it was very yummy.
Hasta la vista!
Cupcake Boyfriend.
Recently, I began thinking of my boyfriend and cupcakes simultaneously. Both of these give me pleasure and I have had no contact with either of these for an extended period of time. I might try an experiment in psychology here. Since getting a cupcake will be easier and is the lesser of my wants, I will procure that first. Then, while thinking of my boyfriend, I will eat the cupcake and see if it helps me miss him a little less. My theory is that, as I said, I want both ,but I can only have one, so if I satisfy my desire for one, maybe my brain will consider both desires satisfied? What do you think, Imaginary Readers? Good idea?
.....Either way I get a cupcake..... :)
Is this just a fancy, scientific way of emotional eating? hmmmm
Well, it's "nummy" <---- this is Lenard's line from Big Bang Theory when Sheldon is scientifically making eggs.
hasta la vista
.....Either way I get a cupcake..... :)
Is this just a fancy, scientific way of emotional eating? hmmmm
Well, it's "nummy" <---- this is Lenard's line from Big Bang Theory when Sheldon is scientifically making eggs.
hasta la vista
Monday, March 21, 2011
Music Addict
Ok, so...I'm having way too much fun with the fake ipod on the side of the screen. I'll fix it later.
Hasta la vista
Hasta la vista
Gather round! I have something to say....again. Today I realized that I might be allergic to those plug in scent things. Here's how I figured it out: I still live with my parents, have since I was eight (another story). I have always had breathing problems around them. We figured that, maybe I was developing other allergies, like to food. I never had an allergic REACTION or anything, I just consistently couldn't breath well, and my nose was always stuffy. For a brief period of a few months, I rented a room from a couple who we indirectly know. I had almost no breathing problems there. I had a few panic attacks related to dehydration, but that's it. When I moved back in with my parents in January, I immediately found myself with a nasal infection and trouble breathing. My mom had gotten more of those blasted....ahem....dirty rotten...ahahahem!... strongly scented plug-ins. I told her that they overwhelm me, and she got rid of a few that were in small spaces, but she went and got a Cinnamon scented one for the living room. Now I can't breathe and watch TV at the same time. Anyone who knows anything, will tell you, CINNAMON IS A VERY STRONG OVERPOWERING SCENT....ahahhaaahhaaahhhaaaaaa...Down with the bloody big head!.........I'm fiiine, I'm fine. So, I will re-emphasize it again to her today. I will say one thing, NO ONE absolutely no one in my dorms will have them, when I move out.
Hasta la vista!
Hasta la vista!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Ok, so if you already know me personally, you know that I am stubborn, easily entertained, and curious. "How are these relevant to each other?", you ask. Because, even if I don't know how to do something, I try to do it anyways. I could ask for help, but why bother,if I can mess it up myself? Take for example, this blog. My friend told me how to start a blog, but she didn't tell me how to do all the cool things on it. So, when I saw pictures and music and Videos, well I had to have it too. I asked her how to do it, yes, but she (summer knightly) hasn't replied yet, and I fiddled and searched and wondered and scratched my head.....and I did it!!!!! YAY me! Take THAT, sexist society that thinks I can't do anything for myself.
Hasta la vista!
Hasta la vista!
Buisiness Idea
So, I am studying to become an American Sign Language Interpreter. I love everything that goes with it. The culture the beauty in the movements, the flexibility, etc. Right now, I live in a small town in Oregon. I was talking to my dad about starting abuisiness. This is what he told me I need to do if i want to start business:
1. get an idea: ASL tutoring and resource center
2. get a business license
3. Get a space
4. Get a business plan and mission statement
5. Get a start up loan
6. Do some marketing and some advertising
7. Get a website: blogspot for now
8. Find your target consumers
9.Do some research
10. Have a build out plan to make the space your own
11. open for business
Im thinking my business would be an ASL tutoring and research center. This would be a place where Deaf and hearing alike could come and get ASL classes or borrow books about Deaf culture, ASL signs etc. we would also provide counseling, links to interpreting services, lists of businesses that have product for Deaf to buy such as hearing aids, TTYs, vibrating alarms, and lists of places that offer other services, etc. Also, we would provide workshops for businesses on how to deal with customers that cant hear or have hard time hearing.It would target anyone who is Deaf or Hard of Heating, knows sign language or wants to know, students, and businesses that need to know how to serve their Deaf consumers.
Ambitious, no?
Well, Hasta la vista
1. get an idea: ASL tutoring and resource center
2. get a business license
3. Get a space
4. Get a business plan and mission statement
5. Get a start up loan
6. Do some marketing and some advertising
7. Get a website: blogspot for now
8. Find your target consumers
9.Do some research
10. Have a build out plan to make the space your own
11. open for business
Im thinking my business would be an ASL tutoring and research center. This would be a place where Deaf and hearing alike could come and get ASL classes or borrow books about Deaf culture, ASL signs etc. we would also provide counseling, links to interpreting services, lists of businesses that have product for Deaf to buy such as hearing aids, TTYs, vibrating alarms, and lists of places that offer other services, etc. Also, we would provide workshops for businesses on how to deal with customers that cant hear or have hard time hearing.It would target anyone who is Deaf or Hard of Heating, knows sign language or wants to know, students, and businesses that need to know how to serve their Deaf consumers.
Ambitious, no?
Well, Hasta la vista
More about me!
This is a picture I drew for a scholarship...I just started this whole blogger thing and you may see some randomness here, as I am experimenting.
I love the fact that I can be selfish here. HAHA I can talk about myself all day. I know that in normal conversation, you are supposed to let the other person talk about themselves too, but this is a conversation of one. So, that makes me the other person. I was never very good at journaling in a notebook, but maybe with the thought that other people might see it, I will be more diligent...though this wont be a journal with all the details because I am very aware of "weirdos" that will come and get me if I put any traceable information on here. at least that's what my mom says. So, I changed my name to Zoey and even though I will talk about whatever I want to (whether you like it or not), I will change or omit names. For example: I hung out with my best friend A--- today and we had so much fun.
I will probably put more information later, but I am short on time since I am almost late to go to work at ----. Seriously. blog ya later. Hasta la vista!
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