Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Today, I had to get up at the unGODLY hour of nine in the morning...yes, that's catch the bus to go to work at ----------. The good thing is that it is getting warmer outside. It actually felt like spring (GASP). I started work at eleven fifteen. from then until three, I got nary a moment's rest. no break, and I was out of breath. So. many. customers. GAHHHH. At the same time, there is something fulfilling about working hard and making people happy. I am getting way better and more confident t what I do. Yay me! After work, I walked down the road and caught a glimpse of the Red Cross office. My parents have been on my back about volunteering more, so I walked in and talked to the guy there. "We'll call you." Then I took the bus to the local library. There, I borrowed a childrens' book written by Marlee Matlin and requested others including a few DVD s. I can't wait. While at the library, I tried to donate blood. I say try, because that is the key word here. I don't know WHY they had a problem; I've done it three times before without a hitch. I do have to admit that I get more dizzy each time, but I figured I could deal with that. I ate healthy and was hydrated before I went in. So I went through the process. For those of you who think it's a wam bam thing and have never done it, here's how it goes:
1. go in and sign up, unless you have an appointment.
2. If you don't have an appointment (i.e. you just walked in for the cookies they give you after), you have to wait and read a few papers that tell you information on  why you may not be eligible.
3. then they call you to go behind a partition, were they do a quick check-up to make sure you are healthy and don't have any communicable diseases.
4. After that they make you answer about fifty questions related to sexual activity, drug use, and travel. If you pass that, then they ask you to repeat your name about five times (to make sure you don't forget?)
5. Finally you get to sit in the lay-down chair, where they ask your name....again, scan a few bar codes, take your blood pressure, mark your arm, and swab said arm with iodine.
6. FINALLY, they stick you with a wide needle that is hooked up to a bag. they make you sqweeze a rubber ball every once in a while.
7. about five or ten minutes later, they unhook you, when your bag is full.
8. then they clean you up and wrap your arm in obscenely cheery gauze.
9. assuming you don't get sick or dizzy, they give you a score sheet to see how much you enjoyed it
10. lastly, they give you a sticker with the date of the next time you can donate and you get to enjoy some treats. usually they have cookies, crackers, trail mix and juice and water.

TIP: if you want more yummies, pretend you don't feel good. go on and on about how you think you are going to fain and you may or may not throw up. ;) they FORCE you to eat more and drink lots of fluids.  They also usually make you lay down and put ice packs on your neck or chest, forehead, and back.

Today however, was just icky. I got there, did the questions and sat down. They couldn't find my vein after they marked it, so they jabbed me anyways, but blood refused to flow, so they took the blood pressure gauge and cut off my circulation and tried again. Meanwhile, my arm is tingly, and the crook of my arm hurts because they keep adjusting the needle which never leaves my arm. Ummmmm....OWWWWWW!!!! "Do you want me to stop?" No, sweetheart, having you constantly pulling and pushing that needle around in my arm feels great thanks. not that I can feel my arm, because you cut off my circulation....btw I feel nauseous.  is that supposed to happen?" Seriously. I thought these people were professionals. BTW Summer, On the name tag of one of the ladies working with me, it said MUA. at first I thought it said MLIA, and I got really giddy, then disappointed as I read what it actually said.

Hasta la vista!

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