Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New Testiment Parables

Hi. Once again, I have put off my homework until the very last second, so I am writing my paper here. (here means in the library on my blog) I am so stressed out and my mom won't stop texting me!!!!! GAH

Today I will be discussing Jesus' parable of the  unjust manager from Luke 16:1-9.
1. What is a parable? (Oxford companion to the bible) it is a very broad term that basically means that Jesus puts air quotes and starts a story with  "hypothetically..." paralell universe....hyperbole...a short story used to illistrate a point by relating to the day to day lives of the audience. most of them include things such as animals or farms or the synagogue. (gotquestions.org)Earthly story heavenly meaning...deep truth
2. Why did Jesus use parables? Because it was a common teaching tool....because He wanted only his disciples to know what they meant because everyone else rejected Him and didn't deserve to know.
3. parable of the  unjust manager from Luke 16:1-9. The parable is about a man who finds out that the manager of his estate is not telling the truth about his accounting. The man gets fired, but not before finding a clever way to cheat the man one last time and assure himself some support so that he doesn't have to beg.
4. there other places that this story is in the Bible? Nope
5. What is the meaning of the parable? What was Jesus trying to teach his audience?(ttp://lavistachurchofchrist.org/LVanswers/2006/01-28.htm) says that the meaning of the parable is that some people know how to get what they want-especially "bad"people getting things of little or no value, while righteous people often do not know how to manage important things. Jesus was trying to teach His audience the importance of taking care of thiongs that are important and the value of being shrewd.
6. The meaning and general application of this parable would be the same for both Jews of the first centery and readers today. Be wise with small things and learn how to keep and take care of important things.

Hasta la vista!

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