Sunday, May 13, 2012


You'd think that I would remember that the library computers don't have Word....

6.  Read the textbook, pp.269-280. 
Why is Harris telling you about Mithras or Dionysus of Thebes?
 that Christians may have used events in these mythical god's lives to spice up the idea of the historical Jesus to make Him more divine seeming.

 What is he suggesting about early Christianity?
 that it may have had some Greek influence

 Give me three examples of gods/ideas/religious phenomena he uses to prove his point.
Dionysus of Thebes, Socrate's "good life" and ethical questions, Mithraism7.  The Gospels.  Use class notes, chart, textbook 307-316.
What language did Jesus speak?
 greek an aramaic

What is the language of the New Testament?

Which part of the New Testament came first, the Gospels or Paul’s letters?
 paul's letters

What are the 4 categories of works in the New Testament? gospels, revelation, letters,
a.  What is Mark’s “Structure and Sequence of Events”? P.295
north and south. disciples and miracles; rejection and death.

b.  From your chart, What is missing in Mark’s Gospel that is found in Matthew and Luke?  Give 2 examples.
His postresurrection appearences and the birth story

c.  Which are called the “Synoptic” Gospels?  What does that word mean in this context? Matthew Mark and Luke because they all reffer to the same events (in general)

d.  OK, so what is the “Synoptic Problem”? (How did we phrase it in class?)    From class discussion and Exploring, 307-310, what is the answer to this question?
 what is the source for these books? mark and Q

e.  From the charts we did in class, what is an example of material that would have been found in Q?
Hypothectical sayings of Jesus

f.  Compare the genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Luke (lists of ancestors).  Name three ways in which these genealogies are different.
 luke recounts His life back to Adam and matthew tells it from abraham forward to jesus; Matthew includes important women and luke does not; some of the people are said to be begotton of different people.

f.  From your chart, what did Matthew and Luke take from Mark?
john baptizing,temptation by satan, parables, miracles, return to nazereth, assult on the temple, crusifixion, emtpy tomb

less of a history and more about His divinity.

Is Jesus baptized by John in John 1?
 What is Jesus’ first “sign”?
water to wine

 8.  THE MAP: IDENTIFY  Persian Gulf, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Tigris and Euphrates, Jordan River, Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee.  Be able to identify Israel on a map of the Middle East, and Mesopotamia.

9.  The Book of Acts (textbook, p.350 and following)
a.  Generally, what is the subject of the book of Acts?
milestones and role modles of early christianiy

What is the goal regarding the reputation of Christians in the Roman Empire?
that they were persecuted for preaching about Jesus

What is the relation of this book to the Gospel of Luke?
continuation of the idealized account of early Chrisitianity

b.  Tell me about the work of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 – what happens at Pentecost?
the holy spirit decends on the followers and gives them the gift of speeking in tongues

He used to persecute Christians but was converted into a pssionate believer

d.  What is the conflict of Acts 15?  How is it resolved?
circumsision and the law of moses or not? not, but about grace and abstain from sexual immoralitye.  What is the transformation that we find in the Book of Acts?  See p.361, #5.
ethiopian eunich, pharasee, roman centurian
10.  Paul (chapter 35)
a.  Do modern scholars think that Paul really wrote all the letters that the New Testament say he did?  Do modern scholars think he wrote “Letter to the Romans”? (366)

b.  What are the years in which Paul wrote these letters?  What do we mean when we say his letters were “occasional”?
he wrote letters when they were needed not on a regular basis. 50-60CE

c.  Where was Paul born?  What was the religion he grew up with?
Jew born in Tarsus 

salvation comes from grace and faith, not by folowing the laws of Moses.

 How does he use Genesis 15:6? 
Righteousness through faith

Why is it important to Paul that Genesis 15:6 comes before Genesis 17?
 What does he learn from that? 
because we know that Abraham's righteousness had nothing to do with circumsision
e. Now, what about Sarah and Hagar?  What do these women symbolize?  Why is this allegory controversial?  (Galatians 4)
higher truth (hagar= earthly jerusalm; sarah = heavenly jerualem)f.  What does Paul write about the following issues: 
Look at 1 Corinthians for these: chapters 5, 7, 8, 11
Should people be celibate in marriage?
Women and their conduct in church
Conduct at the Lord’s Supper   
eating meat from animals sacrificed to idols
Sexual immorality
 Sexual immorality  should be something to be ashamed of, but if your hormones are getting the best of you and you can't be a virgin or stay pure, then you might as well get married. don't worry about your marital status though. When married, your body belongs to the other person, women should cover their heads in church to pray, eat at home and don't be greedy at communion( be respectful), just eat the meat's just meat.11.  Revelation (textbook chapter 38, class notes)
a.  When was this book written? 180 CE
 What kind of period was this like for Christians? not fun. cult and persecution
 Who is the Beast and what is his number?  (But who is he?)
 political tyranny 666 or 616.
 Who is the Whore of Babylon? rides on the beast
 But who is she really? greedy exploitation
 What is John’s vision at the end of the book?
the wedding of the lamb and the holy city. throne of God tree of life. gold precious gems...etc
d.  Tell me about his doctrine of “justification by faith”?  (367)
c.  What does the book tell us about Saul/Paul in chapter 9?
g.  What about the Gospel of John?  How is it different from the Synoptics?  4 ways.

Hasta la vista!

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