Sunday, March 17, 2013

Getting tired of this...

I used to think that my life was interesting because I move a lot. It has contributed to my adaptability and minimalist attitude, but now I'm just frustrated. My other blog entitled '42 reasons to enlist' includes a detailed workout schedule that I keep trying to update, but every time I start to figure out a schedule and stick with it, something changes. Last week, my boyfriend and I broke up. :( I spent most of the week brooding, which made things tense with my roommate and I, so I didn't really exercise. This weekend, I was TMI, don't want the details sick. I just got a new job that I will probably start sometime this week or next :D but that means that my new schedule won't work. Instead of trying to come up with a new schedule, I'm just going to make a general one until school starts. Once school starts, I will have a very stable schedule until the Spring semester, and then again until I graduate. After that, I might join the military, and I have no idea what that will have in store for me.
Anyways, my point is that I kind of wish that my life was a bit more stable. I know that it won't be very stable in the military, but at least I will be able to have more focus in my life and access to the resources I need.
I am still a bit sick, but I am starting to get some energy back, and I can hold down food and water now. I am kind of wondering if anyone actually reads this or any of my blogs? According to my stats they do, but no one ever comments, so I am under the impression that the only reason anyone reads this is because they are just going through random blogs. It's kind of depressing, but I never expected to be some popular blogger in the first place. :P

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Bible

I decided to try going through the Bible again. I almost rolled my eyes at that one too. :) This link gives an idea of where I am reading. The idea is to read the fun, interesting stuff. Stuff that you want to know, without long geniologies, doomsday predictions, or chapters of numbers and laws. Let's face it, our generation wants stories and love. That is what we want to read about!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Sugar Cookie Disaster

Is it March already? Wow. So, I decided to make some sugar cookies today, but I couldn't find any baking powder. I thought they would be fine without it.....they weren't. They were the worst cookies EVER! I had to throw out the entire two batches. :/ Maybe next time. Oh well.